Who do we offer our annual health card packages to?

Who do we offer our annual health card packages to?

Wáberer Medical Center’s annual health card packages are offered to individuals. We offer a wide range of health care services for preventive screenings, specialist and diagnostic tests, and areas requiring surgery. We provide our patients with safe and predictable solutions.

laboratory tests: complete blood count, Cn, Kreat, eGFR, Mg, Ca, Fe, P, Na, K, liver function, TSH, blood fats and uric acid, total protein, ALb, CRP, fasting blood glucose and HbA1c, urinalysis, PSA screening for menxxx
Internal medicine specialist examination, ECG at restxxx
50 years under chest-rtg. / Lung LDCT for patients over 50 years and regular smokers over 35 years (2)xxx
Abdominal and pelvic ultrasoundxxx
Health report and lifestyle advicexxx
PROFESSIONAL CONCULTATION, control audit within the framework of outpatient specialist care (3)8 times a year in total15 times a year in totalUnlimited
Laboratory tests at the Wáberer Medical Center on the basis of the indication of the doctors20 000 Ft in value 50 000 Ft in value 300 000 Ft in value
BASIC DIAGNOSTIC TESTS: - X-ray examinations(4) - Ultrasound scans(5) - Bone Density Analysis (DEXA) - Fibroscan CAP (detailed liver scan) - 12-lead resting ECG - Stress ECG - Tomosynthesis 3D mammography - Exhaled gastroenterology tests (H2 and helicobacter) - Respiratory function measurement (spirometry) - Prick allergy skin test25 000 Ft in value UnlimitedUnlimited
A WIDE RANGE OF DIAGNOSTIC TESTS: - CT, MR scans (native and contrast)(4) - Contrast media X-ray examinations(4) - ABPM and Holter diagnostics(6)UnlimitedUnlimited
PRIORITY DIAGNOSTIC TESTS: - Cardio (heart) CT and MR scans(4) - Full spine MR scan with native and contrast material(4) - Complete aortic angiography CT scan(4) - Full abdominal and pelvic MR scan native (non-contrast) and liver-specific abdominal MR scan - Full spine MR scan native (without contrast medium) - Multiple sclerosis (MS) native and contrast-enhanced MR 2 regions(4) - Sleep diagnostic examination with instrument and evaluationUnlimited
Use of the treatment centre (vaccine fee not included) UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Physiotherapy assessment and consultation 1 time a year1 time a year1 time a year
Physical exercise, 25 minutes/session5 times a year
Recipe description (7)UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Plastic surgery consultation2 times a year
Dedicated contact person (8)OptionalOptionalIncluded
Gastroenterology: gastroscopy (gastroscopy of the stomach), colonoscopy (colonoscopy of the colon) under general anaesthesia and with histologyUnlimited
SURGICAL AND HERPATOMEDICAL outpatient surgery (without the use of anaesthesia and operating theatre): skin lesions, lipoma, birthmark, wart, fibroid removal, nail and nail surgery, nail bed correction (treatment of ingrown toenails) under local anaesthesia, including suture removal and possible wound treatment (without anaesthesia or operating theatre): skin lesions, lipoma, birthmark, wart, fibroid, nail, nail and nail treatment, nail bed correction (treatment of ingrown toenails) under local anaesthesia including suture removal and possible wound treatmentRemoval of three lesions in totalUnlimited
SURGICAL AND HERPATOMEDICAL outpatient surgery analysis of histological specimensThree samples in totalUnlimited
MINOR SURGERY THAT DOES NOT REQUIRE LYING IN BED procedures at the Wáberer Medical Center are a priority in the main treatment centre(9)Total 1 small surgical procedure
5% DISCOUNT on Wáberer Medical Center Hospital inpatient care at the following prices specialties: orthopaedics, urology, ear, nose and throat, gynaecology, surgery, plastic surgery(10)1 time a year Unlimited
FOR FAMILY MEMBERS, A SPECIALIST MEDICAL EXAMINATION (up to a maximum of three, in advance at the time of specified in the contract) and any additional 10% discount on the price of all other outpatient care (11)8 times a year per family member
Health card annual fee408 000 Ft705 000 Ft1 450 000 Ft
PREVENTIVE FIREWATER CONTROLS IN ONE SUBSECTION PER YEAR (1) PREVENTIVE FIREWATER CONTROLS IN ONE SUBSECTION PER YEAR (1) laboratory tests: complete blood count, Cn, Kreat, eGFR, Mg, Ca, Fe, P, Na, K, liver function, TSH, blood fats and uric acid, total protein, ALb, CRP, fasting blood glucose and HbA1c, urinalysis, PSA screening for men laboratory tests: complete blood count, Cn, Kreat, eGFR, Mg, Ca, Fe, P, Na, K, liver function, TSH, blood fats and uric acid, total protein, ALb, CRP, fasting blood glucose and HbA1c, urinalysis, PSA screening for men Internal medicine specialist examination, ECG at rest Internal medicine specialist examination, ECG at rest 50 years under chest-rtg. / Lung LDCT for patients over 50 years and regular smokers over 35 years (2) 50 years under chest-rtg. / Lung LDCT for patients over 50 years and regular smokers over 35 years (2) Abdominal and pelvic ultrasound Abdominal and pelvic ultrasound Health report and lifestyle advice Health report and lifestyle advice STUDIES AND DIAGNOSTICS STUDIES AND DIAGNOSTICS PROFESSIONAL CONCULTATION, control audit within the framework of outpatient specialist care (3) PROFESSIONAL CONCULTATION, control audit within the framework of outpatient specialist care (3) Laboratory tests at the Wáberer Medical Center on the basis of the indication of the doctors Laboratory tests at the Wáberer Medical Center on the basis of the indication of the doctors BASIC DIAGNOSTIC TESTS: - X-ray examinations(4) - Ultrasound scans(5) - Bone Density Analysis (DEXA) - Fibroscan CAP (detailed liver scan) - 12-lead resting ECG - Stress ECG - Tomosynthesis 3D mammography - Exhaled gastroenterology tests (H2 and helicobacter) - Respiratory function measurement (spirometry) - Prick allergy skin test BASIC DIAGNOSTIC TESTS: - X-ray examinations(4) - Ultrasound scans(5) - Bone Density Analysis (DEXA) - Fibroscan CAP (detailed liver scan) - 12-lead resting ECG - Stress ECG - Tomosynthesis 3D mammography - Exhaled gastroenterology tests (H2 and helicobacter) - Respiratory function measurement (spirometry) - Prick allergy skin test A WIDE RANGE OF DIAGNOSTIC TESTS: - CT, MR scans (native and contrast)(4) - Contrast media X-ray examinations(4) - ABPM and Holter diagnostics(6) A WIDE RANGE OF DIAGNOSTIC TESTS: - CT, MR scans (native and contrast)(4) - Contrast media X-ray examinations(4) - ABPM and Holter diagnostics(6) PRIORITY DIAGNOSTIC TESTS: - Cardio (heart) CT and MR scans(4) - Full spine MR scan with native and contrast material(4) - Complete aortic angiography CT scan(4) - Full abdominal and pelvic MR scan native (non-contrast) and liver-specific abdominal MR scan - Full spine MR scan native (without contrast medium) - Multiple sclerosis (MS) native and contrast-enhanced MR 2 regions(4) - Sleep diagnostic examination with instrument and evaluation PRIORITY DIAGNOSTIC TESTS: - Cardio (heart) CT and MR scans(4) - Full spine MR scan with native and contrast material(4) - Complete aortic angiography CT scan(4) - Full abdominal and pelvic MR scan native (non-contrast) and liver-specific abdominal MR scan - Full spine MR scan native (without contrast medium) - Multiple sclerosis (MS) native and contrast-enhanced MR 2 regions(4) - Sleep diagnostic examination with instrument and evaluation Use of the treatment centre (vaccine fee not included) Use of the treatment centre (vaccine fee not included) Physiotherapy assessment and consultation Physiotherapy assessment and consultation Physical exercise, 25 minutes/session Physical exercise, 25 minutes/session Recipe description (7) Recipe description (7) Plastic surgery consultation Plastic surgery consultation Dedicated contact person (8) Dedicated contact person (8) AMBULAN, DAILY OR EVERYDAY PENETROLENCE REQUIREMENTS AMBULAN, DAILY OR EVERYDAY PENETROLENCE REQUIREMENTS Gastroenterology: gastroscopy (gastroscopy of the stomach), colonoscopy (colonoscopy of the colon) under general anaesthesia and with histology Gastroenterology: gastroscopy (gastroscopy of the stomach), colonoscopy (colonoscopy of the colon) under general anaesthesia and with histology SURGICAL AND HERPATOMEDICAL outpatient surgery (without the use of anaesthesia and operating theatre): skin lesions, lipoma, birthmark, wart, fibroid removal, nail and nail surgery, nail bed correction (treatment of ingrown toenails) under local anaesthesia, including suture removal and possible wound treatment (without anaesthesia or operating theatre): skin lesions, lipoma, birthmark, wart, fibroid, nail, nail and nail treatment, nail bed correction (treatment of ingrown toenails) under local anaesthesia including suture removal and possible wound treatment SURGICAL AND HERPATOMEDICAL outpatient surgery (without the use of anaesthesia and operating theatre): skin lesions, lipoma, birthmark, wart, fibroid removal, nail and nail surgery, nail bed correction (treatment of ingrown toenails) under local anaesthesia, including suture removal and possible wound treatment (without anaesthesia or operating theatre): skin lesions, lipoma, birthmark, wart, fibroid, nail, nail and nail treatment, nail bed correction (treatment of ingrown toenails) under local anaesthesia including suture removal and possible wound treatment SURGICAL AND HERPATOMEDICAL outpatient surgery analysis of histological specimens SURGICAL AND HERPATOMEDICAL outpatient surgery analysis of histological specimens MINOR SURGERY THAT DOES NOT REQUIRE LYING IN BED procedures at the Wáberer Medical Center are a priority in the main treatment centre(9) MINOR SURGERY THAT DOES NOT REQUIRE LYING IN BED procedures at the Wáberer Medical Center are a priority in the main treatment centre(9) 5% DISCOUNT on Wáberer Medical Center Hospital inpatient care at the following prices specialties: orthopaedics, urology, ear, nose and throat, gynaecology, surgery, plastic surgery(10) 5% DISCOUNT on Wáberer Medical Center Hospital inpatient care at the following prices specialties: orthopaedics, urology, ear, nose and throat, gynaecology, surgery, plastic surgery(10) FOR FAMILY MEMBERS, A SPECIALIST MEDICAL EXAMINATION (up to a maximum of three, in advance at the time of specified in the contract) and any additional 10% discount on the price of all other outpatient care (11) FOR FAMILY MEMBERS, A SPECIALIST MEDICAL EXAMINATION (up to a maximum of three, in advance at the time of specified in the contract) and any additional 10% discount on the price of all other outpatient care (11)
Health card annual fee : Health card annual fee
PREVENTIVE FIREWATER CONTROLS IN ONE SUBSECTION PER YEAR (1) laboratory tests: complete blood count, Cn, Kreat, eGFR, Mg, Ca, Fe, P, Na, K, liver function, TSH, blood fats and uric acid, total protein, ALb, CRP, fasting blood glucose and HbA1c, urinalysis, PSA screening for men x Internal medicine specialist examination, ECG at rest x 50 years under chest-rtg. / Lung LDCT for patients over 50 years and regular smokers over 35 years (2) x Abdominal and pelvic ultrasound x Health report and lifestyle advice x STUDIES AND DIAGNOSTICS PROFESSIONAL CONCULTATION, control audit within the framework of outpatient specialist care (3) 8 times a year in total Laboratory tests at the Wáberer Medical Center on the basis of the indication of the doctors 20 000 Ft in value BASIC DIAGNOSTIC TESTS: - X-ray examinations(4) - Ultrasound scans(5) - Bone Density Analysis (DEXA) - Fibroscan CAP (detailed liver scan) - 12-lead resting ECG - Stress ECG - Tomosynthesis 3D mammography - Exhaled gastroenterology tests (H2 and helicobacter) - Respiratory function measurement (spirometry) - Prick allergy skin test 25 000 Ft in value A WIDE RANGE OF DIAGNOSTIC TESTS: - CT, MR scans (native and contrast)(4) - Contrast media X-ray examinations(4) - ABPM and Holter diagnostics(6) PRIORITY DIAGNOSTIC TESTS: - Cardio (heart) CT and MR scans(4) - Full spine MR scan with native and contrast material(4) - Complete aortic angiography CT scan(4) - Full abdominal and pelvic MR scan native (non-contrast) and liver-specific abdominal MR scan - Full spine MR scan native (without contrast medium) - Multiple sclerosis (MS) native and contrast-enhanced MR 2 regions(4) - Sleep diagnostic examination with instrument and evaluation Use of the treatment centre (vaccine fee not included) Unlimited Physiotherapy assessment and consultation 1 time a year Physical exercise, 25 minutes/session Recipe description (7) Unlimited Plastic surgery consultation Dedicated contact person (8) Optional AMBULAN, DAILY OR EVERYDAY PENETROLENCE REQUIREMENTS Gastroenterology: gastroscopy (gastroscopy of the stomach), colonoscopy (colonoscopy of the colon) under general anaesthesia and with histology SURGICAL AND HERPATOMEDICAL outpatient surgery (without the use of anaesthesia and operating theatre): skin lesions, lipoma, birthmark, wart, fibroid removal, nail and nail surgery, nail bed correction (treatment of ingrown toenails) under local anaesthesia, including suture removal and possible wound treatment (without anaesthesia or operating theatre): skin lesions, lipoma, birthmark, wart, fibroid, nail, nail and nail treatment, nail bed correction (treatment of ingrown toenails) under local anaesthesia including suture removal and possible wound treatment SURGICAL AND HERPATOMEDICAL outpatient surgery analysis of histological specimens MINOR SURGERY THAT DOES NOT REQUIRE LYING IN BED procedures at the Wáberer Medical Center are a priority in the main treatment centre(9) 5% DISCOUNT on Wáberer Medical Center Hospital inpatient care at the following prices specialties: orthopaedics, urology, ear, nose and throat, gynaecology, surgery, plastic surgery(10) FOR FAMILY MEMBERS, A SPECIALIST MEDICAL EXAMINATION (up to a maximum of three, in advance at the time of specified in the contract) and any additional 10% discount on the price of all other outpatient care (11)
Health card annual fee : 408 000 Ft
PREVENTIVE FIREWATER CONTROLS IN ONE SUBSECTION PER YEAR (1) laboratory tests: complete blood count, Cn, Kreat, eGFR, Mg, Ca, Fe, P, Na, K, liver function, TSH, blood fats and uric acid, total protein, ALb, CRP, fasting blood glucose and HbA1c, urinalysis, PSA screening for men x Internal medicine specialist examination, ECG at rest x 50 years under chest-rtg. / Lung LDCT for patients over 50 years and regular smokers over 35 years (2) x Abdominal and pelvic ultrasound x Health report and lifestyle advice x STUDIES AND DIAGNOSTICS PROFESSIONAL CONCULTATION, control audit within the framework of outpatient specialist care (3) 15 times a year in total Laboratory tests at the Wáberer Medical Center on the basis of the indication of the doctors 50 000 Ft in value BASIC DIAGNOSTIC TESTS: - X-ray examinations(4) - Ultrasound scans(5) - Bone Density Analysis (DEXA) - Fibroscan CAP (detailed liver scan) - 12-lead resting ECG - Stress ECG - Tomosynthesis 3D mammography - Exhaled gastroenterology tests (H2 and helicobacter) - Respiratory function measurement (spirometry) - Prick allergy skin test Unlimited A WIDE RANGE OF DIAGNOSTIC TESTS: - CT, MR scans (native and contrast)(4) - Contrast media X-ray examinations(4) - ABPM and Holter diagnostics(6) Unlimited PRIORITY DIAGNOSTIC TESTS: - Cardio (heart) CT and MR scans(4) - Full spine MR scan with native and contrast material(4) - Complete aortic angiography CT scan(4) - Full abdominal and pelvic MR scan native (non-contrast) and liver-specific abdominal MR scan - Full spine MR scan native (without contrast medium) - Multiple sclerosis (MS) native and contrast-enhanced MR 2 regions(4) - Sleep diagnostic examination with instrument and evaluation Use of the treatment centre (vaccine fee not included) Unlimited Physiotherapy assessment and consultation 1 time a year Physical exercise, 25 minutes/session Recipe description (7) Unlimited Plastic surgery consultation Dedicated contact person (8) Optional AMBULAN, DAILY OR EVERYDAY PENETROLENCE REQUIREMENTS Gastroenterology: gastroscopy (gastroscopy of the stomach), colonoscopy (colonoscopy of the colon) under general anaesthesia and with histology SURGICAL AND HERPATOMEDICAL outpatient surgery (without the use of anaesthesia and operating theatre): skin lesions, lipoma, birthmark, wart, fibroid removal, nail and nail surgery, nail bed correction (treatment of ingrown toenails) under local anaesthesia, including suture removal and possible wound treatment (without anaesthesia or operating theatre): skin lesions, lipoma, birthmark, wart, fibroid, nail, nail and nail treatment, nail bed correction (treatment of ingrown toenails) under local anaesthesia including suture removal and possible wound treatment Removal of three lesions in total SURGICAL AND HERPATOMEDICAL outpatient surgery analysis of histological specimens Three samples in total MINOR SURGERY THAT DOES NOT REQUIRE LYING IN BED procedures at the Wáberer Medical Center are a priority in the main treatment centre(9) 5% DISCOUNT on Wáberer Medical Center Hospital inpatient care at the following prices specialties: orthopaedics, urology, ear, nose and throat, gynaecology, surgery, plastic surgery(10) 1 time a year FOR FAMILY MEMBERS, A SPECIALIST MEDICAL EXAMINATION (up to a maximum of three, in advance at the time of specified in the contract) and any additional 10% discount on the price of all other outpatient care (11)
Health card annual fee : 705 000 Ft
PREVENTIVE FIREWATER CONTROLS IN ONE SUBSECTION PER YEAR (1) laboratory tests: complete blood count, Cn, Kreat, eGFR, Mg, Ca, Fe, P, Na, K, liver function, TSH, blood fats and uric acid, total protein, ALb, CRP, fasting blood glucose and HbA1c, urinalysis, PSA screening for men x Internal medicine specialist examination, ECG at rest x 50 years under chest-rtg. / Lung LDCT for patients over 50 years and regular smokers over 35 years (2) x Abdominal and pelvic ultrasound x Health report and lifestyle advice x STUDIES AND DIAGNOSTICS PROFESSIONAL CONCULTATION, control audit within the framework of outpatient specialist care (3) Unlimited Laboratory tests at the Wáberer Medical Center on the basis of the indication of the doctors 300 000 Ft in value BASIC DIAGNOSTIC TESTS: - X-ray examinations(4) - Ultrasound scans(5) - Bone Density Analysis (DEXA) - Fibroscan CAP (detailed liver scan) - 12-lead resting ECG - Stress ECG - Tomosynthesis 3D mammography - Exhaled gastroenterology tests (H2 and helicobacter) - Respiratory function measurement (spirometry) - Prick allergy skin test Unlimited A WIDE RANGE OF DIAGNOSTIC TESTS: - CT, MR scans (native and contrast)(4) - Contrast media X-ray examinations(4) - ABPM and Holter diagnostics(6) Unlimited PRIORITY DIAGNOSTIC TESTS: - Cardio (heart) CT and MR scans(4) - Full spine MR scan with native and contrast material(4) - Complete aortic angiography CT scan(4) - Full abdominal and pelvic MR scan native (non-contrast) and liver-specific abdominal MR scan - Full spine MR scan native (without contrast medium) - Multiple sclerosis (MS) native and contrast-enhanced MR 2 regions(4) - Sleep diagnostic examination with instrument and evaluation Unlimited Use of the treatment centre (vaccine fee not included) Unlimited Physiotherapy assessment and consultation 1 time a year Physical exercise, 25 minutes/session 5 times a year Recipe description (7) Unlimited Plastic surgery consultation 2 times a year Dedicated contact person (8) Included AMBULAN, DAILY OR EVERYDAY PENETROLENCE REQUIREMENTS Gastroenterology: gastroscopy (gastroscopy of the stomach), colonoscopy (colonoscopy of the colon) under general anaesthesia and with histology Unlimited SURGICAL AND HERPATOMEDICAL outpatient surgery (without the use of anaesthesia and operating theatre): skin lesions, lipoma, birthmark, wart, fibroid removal, nail and nail surgery, nail bed correction (treatment of ingrown toenails) under local anaesthesia, including suture removal and possible wound treatment (without anaesthesia or operating theatre): skin lesions, lipoma, birthmark, wart, fibroid, nail, nail and nail treatment, nail bed correction (treatment of ingrown toenails) under local anaesthesia including suture removal and possible wound treatment Unlimited SURGICAL AND HERPATOMEDICAL outpatient surgery analysis of histological specimens Unlimited MINOR SURGERY THAT DOES NOT REQUIRE LYING IN BED procedures at the Wáberer Medical Center are a priority in the main treatment centre(9) Total 1 small surgical procedure 5% DISCOUNT on Wáberer Medical Center Hospital inpatient care at the following prices specialties: orthopaedics, urology, ear, nose and throat, gynaecology, surgery, plastic surgery(10) Unlimited FOR FAMILY MEMBERS, A SPECIALIST MEDICAL EXAMINATION (up to a maximum of three, in advance at the time of specified in the contract) and any additional 10% discount on the price of all other outpatient care (11) 8 times a year per family member
Health card annual fee : 1 450 000 Ft

1. The preventive screening package is available within 30 days of the first screening.
2. Based on the preliminary consultation, the doctor will recommend whether you have a chest X-ray or LDCT (low-dose chest CT).
is needed.
3. The following specialised examinations are not included: plastic and aesthetic examination, psychiatric examination, anaesthesia consultation.
4. Examination subject to medical advice.
5. Except ultrasound-guided sampling.
6. A deposit is required for the removal of diagnostic equipment. Does not include Holter patch test.
7. For previously diagnosed conditions for medications prescribed by Wáberer Medical Center physicians.
8. Optionally, a dedicated contact person can be requested for an annual fee of HUF 50 000.
9. Exception for plastic surgery.
10. The prices indicated on the website are indicative, for surgeries we give individual prices to our patients.
11. Independent specialist examinations are not included in the screening package. Beneficiaries under the age of 18 may have a general paediatric examination or a check-up.

We reserve the right to make changes. The conditions of eligibility for this service may change according to current government regulations and Wáberer Medical Center’s internal rules.

1123 Budapest,
Alkotás street 55-61.
+36 1 323 7000
  • Monday 06:30-20:00
  • Tuesday 06:30-20:00
  • Wednesday 06:30-20:00
  • Thursday 06:30-20:00
  • Friday 06:30-20:00
  • Saturday 07:00-14:00
