Spine X-ray examination

How is a spine X-ray examination done?

We use X-rays to painlessly take summation images of an area of the body in different directions. It can help doctors diagnose and monitor a wide range of conditions.

Other diagnostic imaging devices use X-rays in addition to X-ray machines, including mammography, operating theatres and angiography labs, bone densitometers and CT scanners.

X-rays are therefore an excellent way of visualising bones, so that they can be used to diagnose trauma (fractures, cracked bones) and musculoskeletal problems. The X-ray image is detailed enough for the treating doctor to determine the appropriate therapy.

What do I need to know as a patient about a spine X-ray?

  • X-rays can cause minor damage to your health. This is of course not a serious risk, otherwise the technique would not be used. However, X-rays require a referral and are contraindicated in certain cases (pregnancy).
  • In our practice, we use a digital X-ray machine, which causes less radiation exposure and does not require the development of photosensitive film, but allows digital imaging.
  • The scan requires no preparation. Only metal jewellery and clothing need to be removed from the body part being examined and the image is quickly taken.
  • Non-invasive examination, no discomfort

The spine X-ray can be taken from the neck, back, lumbar region, but can also be targeted to the sacrum and tailbone. They can be used to determine the condition of the spinal column.

A gerinc röntgen vizsgálat remekül alkalmasak a mozgásszervi problémák feltérképezésére.

When is a spinal X-ray necessary?

A spine X-ray can help doctors find the cause of pain, tenderness and deformities.

Spine X-rays can be used to diagnose various conditions affecting the spine and to investigate the cause of complaints.

  • scoliosis, postural abnormalities
  • fractures of the vertebrae, vertebral fractures
  • degenerative lesions, slipped vertebrae, spinal stenosis
  • inflammations, good or malignant tumours to check for bone involvement
  • spinal injuries
  • monitoring congenital anomalies

It is also used to plan spinal surgery or to check metals already implanted in the spine.

Make an appointment for a spine X-ray examination with the excellent specialists at Wáberer Medical Center, or call us at +36-1-323-7000 to have your examination performed at our well-equipped clinic in Buda without a long wait.

1123 Budapest,
Alkotás street 55-61.
+36 1 323 7000
  • Monday 06:30-20:00
  • Tuesday 06:30-20:00
  • Wednesday 06:30-20:00
  • Thursday 06:30-20:00
  • Friday 06:30-20:00
  • Saturday 07:00-14:00
