Dr. Bernadett Lévay
surgeon, plastic surgeon, clinical oncologist, EBOPRAS, FEBS
Consultations in Hungarian, English, Italian, German language
Patients 16+ from ages and up
What complaints can you come to me with:
- 2021 European Board Examination in Neck Endocrine Surgery(FEBS)
- 2019 PhD student –Semmelweis University, Budapest
- 2018 TOETVA Course(Trans oral endoscopic thyroidectomy vestibular approach ) 2nd Thyroid notes conference , March 2018 Bangkok, Thailand
- 2014 Specialist of clinical oncology
- 2013 EBOPRAS special examination
- 2011 Wien, AKH-Plastic Surgery
- (microsurgery, facial-reconstruction, breast surgery, reconstruction surgery, hand-surgery)
- 2011 Amsterdam, OLVG-Reconstruction surgery
- (microsurgery, breast surgery, reconstruction surgery, aesthetic surgery, hand surgery)
- 2011 Budapest, plastic surgery special examination
- 2010 Verona, Ospedale Civile Maggiore- Fat Grafting
- (fat augmentation, breast reconstruction and breast aesthetic surgery with own fat)
- 2009 Zürich, Microsurgery (microsurgery, reconstruction surgery)
- 2007 Budapest, general surgery special examination
- 2006 Wien, Donauspital – surgical department (laparoscopic surgery)
- 2004 Wien, Donauspital
- 2003 Budapest, laser surgical course
- 2001 Budapest, Semmelweis University (SOTE) ÁOK
Institutional background:
- 2011 – Országos Onkológiai Intézet – Fej- nyaki Daganatok Multidiszciplináris Központ
Memberships of companies:
- General Surgeon
- EBOPRAS Fellow, FEBS-European Board certified Neck Endocrin Surgeon
- Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
- Clinical Oncologist
- ISAPS -Hungarian National Secretary
- Team member of Reconstructing Women International (Humanitarian Mission)
- Forensic medical expert