specialist in internal medicine, oximologist-emergency specialist-doctor-designate
I find it exciting to look for connections, a challenge I find in the generalist approach to both internal medicine and emergency care. In my work, I place great emphasis on the practice of evidence-based medicine, which means that when investigating a particular complaint, it is important to follow procedures and guidelines that are proven to be effective and get you to the right place, i.e. not to be an unnecessary burden to our patients.
In my internal medicine practice I undertake:
- Examination of patients with long-standing (months, possibly years) unexplained symptoms/complaints of unexplained, unexplained disease,
- investigation of undifferentiated abdominal, digestive, chest complaints,
- investigation of hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, renal dysfunction, treatment within the general internal medicine competence,
- investigation of general symptoms, weight loss, recurrent fever,
- iron deficiency and iron overload,
- investigation of anaemia, blood count abnormalities within the general competence of internal medicine,
- cardiovascular and cancer risk assessment, individual screening plan,
- carrying out screening tests,
- consultation of test results (laboratory, imaging tests),
- pre-operative specialist internal medicine examinations,
- screening