About me:
I completed my medical studies in my hometown, Marosvásárhely, during which I spent my compulsory clinical summer internships at Semmelweis University Hospitals in Budapest from the end of my second year.I graduated from the Faculty of General Medicine of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Târgu Mures in 2013. My thesis was also on neurosurgery, on the surgical treatment of Pituitary Adenomas. During my clinical summer internships I was fascinated by Budapest, so after graduating from the University of Budapest I came here. Between 2014 and 2020 I attended neurosurgery training at St. John’s Hospital, National Institute of Clinical Neuroscience and National Trauma Institute. I have regularly participated in scientific conferences and training courses organised by the Hungarian Neurosurgical Society and in other neurosurgical and spinal conferences and training courses abroad. In my daily hospital practice, I deal mostly with spinal pathology, degenerative and traumatic spinal lesions.
- 2013-ban Általános Orvosi Kar, Marosvásárhelyi Orvosi és Gyógyszerészeti Egyetem
- 2014-2020 idegsebészeti szakképzés
- 2020-idegsebészeti szakvizsga
Memberships of societies:
- Magyar Orvosi Kamara
- Magyar Idegsebészeti Társaság
- EANS-European Association of Neurological Surgery