Phd, MSc, med. habil, MTA Doktora (Dsc).
- Internal Medicine -1991- Semmelweis University
- Gastroenterology -1993 – Semmelweis University
- Clinical Oncology – 2002 – Semmelweis University
- Clinical Pharmacology – 2004 – Semmelweis University
Other training:
- Diploma in Health Care Management (MSc); Semmelweis University (2012).
- PhD – Doctorate, Semmelweis University (1997)
- Habilitated Doctorate, Semmelweis University (2010)
- Doctor of Science (DSc) (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) (2010)
Current workplace:
- Hungarian National Defence Medical Centre, Budapest, Hungary
- Gastroenterology Department – Head of Department
- Former President of the Hungarian Gastroenterological Society
- Member of the Presidium of the Hungarian Gastroenterological Society
- Secretary General of the Hungarian Society of Gastroenterology
- Member of the Hungarian Society of Gastroenterology and Hepatology.
- Hungarian Society of Oncologists
- International Gastro-Surgical Club (later IASGO)
- Societá Italiana di Gasroenterologie (SIGE)
- Eurepan Association for Cancer Research (EACR)European Gastroenterological Society (UEG) Member of the Education Committee
- European Association for Gastroenterology, Endoscopy and Nutrition (EAGEN) – Board member
- European Commission National Liaison Officer (UEG-General Assembly)
- Member of the national expert working group for the preparation and coordination of colorectal cancer screening
- Hetényi Prize (the most prestigious award of the Hungarian Gastroenterological Society-MGT)
- Pro Optimo Mrito in Gastroenterologia (MGT award)
- Lajos Markusovszky Prize of the Medical Weekly
- György Békésy Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Bolyai János Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (MTA)
- Honorary member of the Romanian Gastroenterological Society
- “Pro optimo merito in Pancreatico-Oncologia” Award
- ASTRA-Pharmaceutical Gastroenterology Award
- Award of the “Synthelabo Recherche”
- Award of the Foundation Against Cancer, For Man, For Tomorrow
- Rolf Madaus Award