Our International Insurance Partners

Our domestic health fund partners

  • Generali Egészség- és Önsegélyező Pénztár
  • MKB Pannónia Egészség -és Önsegélyező Pénztár
  • OTP Országos Egészség-és Önsegélyező Pénztár
  • Patika Egészségpénztár
  • Prémium Egészségpénztár
  • Tempo-Egészség- és Önsegélyező Pénztár
  • Új Pillér Egészségpénztár
  • Vitamin Egészségpénztár
  • Vasutas Egészségpénztár

Other payment options:

Credit card


Gift card



Direct billing services at Waberer Medical Center:

Insurance policies are to be made between healthcare providers or insurance companies and patients. Waberer Medical Center aims to have contract with each health insurance company Worldwide, as well as providing even cashless service to our insured clients. Contracted health insurance providers settle invoices directly to us as per their guarantee of payment, therefore our patients dont need to pay out of pocket for medical services (exceptions may apply).

Please be advised, that the presence of a direct billing contract with your insurance company is not a guarantee of payment and policy exclusions may apply. Patients are responsible for unpaid or partially paid invoices, if rejected by their insurance company. Contacting your insurance company and checking your eligibility for the required medical service(s) in advance to your visit is highly recommended. Anual policy renewal is optional for employer companies, therefore we kindly suggest you to contact your HR department for relevant information or policy update(s).

Waberer Medical Center Direct billing procedure is as follows:

1: We always request proof of insurance (preferably insurance card) in advance from our patients to check their eligibility. Requesting guarantee letters by our patients is also an option.

2: We are happy to assist in filling any medical forms related to your medical visit in case it is necessary to be submitted along with your invoice to your insurance company, in such case we only ask for our patient’s signature on the insurance company form.

3: Invoices after your visit will be submitted to your insurance company for processing, and any patient responsibilities (such as co-insurance, deductible, policy exclusions) has to be settled by the patient after time of service. Guarantee letters are always requested right after insurance details are received from our patients, however sometimes insurance companies issue their guarantee later with serious delays. In such case we may ask our clients to settle their invoice and claim it back afterwards from their insurance company.

Waberer Medical Center is more than happy to collaborate with each insurance company even on GOP basis. If you have any further questions about our insurance procedures or wish to make sure we accept your insurance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

1123 Budapest,
Alkotás street 55-61.
+36 1 323 7000
  • Monday 06:30-20:00
  • Tuesday 06:30-20:00
  • Wednesday 06:30-20:00
  • Thursday 06:30-20:00
  • Friday 06:30-20:00
  • Saturday 07:00-14:00
