ABPM 24-hour blood pressure measurement

ABPM 24-hour blood pressure measurement

Cardiological diagnostic tests can include 24-hour blood pressure monitoring, ABPM (ambulatory blood pressure monitoring). As blood pressure is not constant at different times of the day, and is affected by physical activity, eating, stress, a single measurement in the doctor’s office cannot provide accurate information. This is where ambulatory blood pressure monitors help by measuring and storing the pressure on the walls of blood vessels. The device takes 10 minutes to fit and then you can go about your daily activities. During the test, it is recommended that you keep a diary of your activities, such as when you have been more active, when you have been under stress, and if you have had any complaints. The test is painless, but the cuff inflation may cause some discomfort and tightness, which may disturb your sleep at night. The ABPM will automatically take measurements at set intervals, during which the arm should be kept extended. The device must not be exposed to water. The procedure does not require any preparation on the part of the patient. The results are evaluated during a consultation with a cardiologist.

Our experts

Dr. Csepregi András kardiológus szakorvos magyar, angol Doctors magyar, angol language 18+ Patients 18+ from ages and up
Dr. Piróth Zsolt kardiológus szakorvos magyar, angol, olasz Doctors magyar, angol, olasz language 16+ Patients 16+ from ages and up
Dr. Som Zoltán belgyógyász, kardiológus szakorvos magyar Doctors magyar language 18+ Patients 18+ from ages and up
Dr. András Csepregi cardiology magyar, angol Doctors magyar, angol language 12+ Patients 12+ from ages and up
Dr. Zsolt Piróth cardiology English, Italian, Hungarian Doctors English, Italian, Hungarian language 18+ Patients 18+ from ages and up
Dr. Zoltán Som cardiology, electrophysiology, pacemaker specialist magyar Doctors magyar language 18+ Patients 18+ from ages and up
Dr. Sándor Szőke general internal medicine, cardiology Hungarian Doctors Hungarian language 18+ Patients 18+ from ages and up
Dr. Gábor Fülöp general internal medicine, cardiology Hungarian, English Doctors Hungarian, English language 18+ Patients 18+ from ages and up
Dr. Olga Hajnalka Bálint, PhD cardiology Hungarian, English Doctors Hungarian, English language 18+ Patients 18+ from ages and up
1123 Budapest,
Alkotás street 55-61.
+36 1 323 7000
  • Monday 06:30-20:00
  • Tuesday 06:30-20:00
  • Wednesday 06:30-20:00
  • Thursday 06:30-20:00
  • Friday 06:30-20:00
  • Saturday 07:00-14:00
