Cardiology screening packages

Basic cardiological screeningExtended cardiological screening
Who is it recommended for? If any of the following apply, you smoke, have high blood pressure, diabetes, high blood pressure, or have a history of heart disease in a close relative. Anyone with newly discovered high blood pressure or heart rhythm problems.
What does it contain?
  • specialist medical consultation
  • laboratory diagnostics
  • 12-lead ECG
  • cardiac ultrasound scan
  • specialist medical consultation
  • laboratory diagnostics
  • 12-lead ECG
  • cardiac ultrasound scan
  • 24 hour long ABPM (blood pressure measurement) or Holter monitor (heart rate monitor) placement and evaluation
What do we learn after a screening package?
  • We get an idea of the electrical activity of the heart.
  • Blood lipid analysis, blood sugar, blood count and kidney function.
  • Information on the heart's pumping function, the size of its cavities and the state of the valves.
  • We get an idea of the electrical activity of the heart.
  • Blood lipid analysis, blood sugar, blood count and kidney function.
  • Information on the heart's pumping function, the size of its cavities and the state of the valves.
  • Evaluation of the data obtained from 24-hour blood pressure measurement (ABPM) or cardiac dysrhythmia analysis (Holter monitor) and therapeutic recommendations.
Price 79 000 Ft 180 000 Ft
Basic cardiological screening
Who is it recommended for? If any of the following apply, you smoke, have high blood pressure, diabetes, high blood pressure, or have a history of heart disease in a close relative. What does it contain?
  • specialist medical consultation
  • laboratory diagnostics
  • 12-lead ECG
  • cardiac ultrasound scan
What do we learn after a screening package?
  • We get an idea of the electrical activity of the heart.
  • Blood lipid analysis, blood sugar, blood count and kidney function.
  • Information on the heart's pumping function, the size of its cavities and the state of the valves.
Price : 79 000 Ft
Extended cardiological screening
Who is it recommended for? Anyone with newly discovered high blood pressure or heart rhythm problems. What does it contain?
  • specialist medical consultation
  • laboratory diagnostics
  • 12-lead ECG
  • cardiac ultrasound scan
  • 24 hour long ABPM (blood pressure measurement) or Holter monitor (heart rate monitor) placement and evaluation
What do we learn after a screening package?
  • We get an idea of the electrical activity of the heart.
  • Blood lipid analysis, blood sugar, blood count and kidney function.
  • Information on the heart's pumping function, the size of its cavities and the state of the valves.
  • Evaluation of the data obtained from 24-hour blood pressure measurement (ABPM) or cardiac dysrhythmia analysis (Holter monitor) and therapeutic recommendations.
Price : 180 000 Ft

What are the most common cardiovascular diseases?

High blood pressure (hypertension): this condition can be primary, multifactorial in origin, i.e. a combination of several factors (e.g. genetic predisposition, lifestyle factors), or secondary, when it occurs as an accompanying symptom of another condition.
Coronary artery disease: narrowing of the coronary arteries is caused by plaques deposited on the arterial wall, which can grow over years or decades, eventually shrinking, causing stenosis or blockage. The narrowed vessel is unable to deliver enough oxygen to the heart muscle, a condition that can eventually lead to chest pain and eventually heart attack.
Arrhythmia: a faster, slower or irregular heart rhythm compared to normal. This can be caused by damage to the heart muscle, but can also occur in intact heart muscle.
Heart failure: various heart disorders (e.g. high blood pressure, coronary artery disease) can sap the heart’s strength, so a weakened heart cannot deliver enough blood to the organs.

Heart valve defects: in the heart, the heart valves are located at the junction of the atria and ventricles and at the origin of the large blood vessels, which regulate the flow of blood between the heart chambers. If these valves, which act like valves, do not close properly or are severely constricted, i.e. they block the flow of blood even when open, they cause problems in the circulation.
Congenital heart disease: patients over the age of 18 with congenital heart disease require additional regular specialised follow-up throughout their lives. Regardless of the type of disease, the most common late problems are arrhythmias and heart failure. But as an adult, issues such as sport, contraception, having children and employment also require consultation and medical supervision.
Pregnancy and heart disease: for women with suspected heart disease, high blood pressure or heart disease, cardiology-related antenatal care is important from the planning of the baby to its birth.
The clinic offers ECG and stress ECG tests, ABPM (24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring) and Holter ECG, as well as cardiac ultrasound and coronary CT.

Most common complaints

Most common complaints

  • Chest pain
  • Arrhythmia
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Weakness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Feeling of arrhythmia
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Headache
  • Dizziness

Our experts

Dr. András Csepregi cardiology magyar, angol Doctors magyar, angol language 12+ Patients 12+ from ages and up
Dr. Márton Vértesaljai cardiology magyar, angol Doctors magyar, angol language 12+ Patients 12+ from ages and up
Dr. Zoltán Som cardiology, electrophysiology, pacemaker specialist magyar Doctors magyar language 18+ Patients 18+ from ages and up
Dr. Zsolt Piróth cardiology English, Italian, Hungarian Doctors English, Italian, Hungarian language 18+ Patients 18+ from ages and up
Dr. Sándor Szőke general internal medicine, cardiology Hungarian Doctors Hungarian language 18+ Patients 18+ from ages and up

Related examinations

1123 Budapest,
Alkotás street 55-61.
+36 1 323 7000
  • Monday 06:30-20:00
  • Tuesday 06:30-20:00
  • Wednesday 06:30-20:00
  • Thursday 06:30-20:00
  • Friday 06:30-20:00
  • Saturday 07:00-14:00
