First Step Clinic instead of GP Surgery

First Step Clinic instead of GP Surgery

A “general practitioner” examination – fast and personalised? At Wáberer Medical Center’s First Step for Health service, we welcome our patients with state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment and empathetic, excellent professionals.

How can Wáberer Medical Center’s new service, the First Step Outpatient Clinic, help you by providing your patients with immediate diagnostic imaging tests if needed?

You can contact us with the complaints below:

  • Lower back pain
  • Mild abdominal pain
  • Headache
  • Urinary tract infection, fever
  • Stabbing chest pain associated with breathing or movement,
  • Fever, respiratory tract infection

WFor whom is First Step Clinic is recommended?

We only accept patients over the age of 18 with complaints lasting for more than 24 hours

We want to assist you in situations when you are considering getting medical help, be it from your GP, on call service or the emergency department. lf you want to rule out a serious medical condition casing your complaints, if you are looking far reassuring answers, if you feel you may need a prescription, a laboratory or an imaging test. When your complaints from a few days aga leave you with asking yourself “do I need antibiotics?”, “I wish I could see a doctor now!”, “I hope I do not have any serious condition”, we can help you find reassuring answers, rule out problems and decide what to do next.

First Step Clinic provides care far outpatients. The Clinic is not suitable far patient who are unable to walk and sit on their own.

ln which cases we do not recommend visiting First Step Clinic?

Sudden onset or rapid deterioration of severe symptoms may be caused by serious, often life-threatening conditions requiring emergeny treatment in order to prevent danger to life- often by involving several medical specialities. Call ambulance services (112) or go to the nearest emergency department in such cases.

When is it recommended to go to another specialist clinic or hospital?

  • lf you have any of the fallowing complaints, we recommend visiting a specialist in the area concerned:
    • gynaecological complaints (except need far emergency contraceptives)
    • pregnancy releated –
    • and eye
  • ln case of a flare-up of a known, treated disease, we recommend you to consult your treating physician for the best
  • ln case of injury it is advisable to seektraumatology
  • ln case of severe, alarming symptoms, it is recommended to call ambulance service (112) or visit the emergency Please be aware that we do not treat patients with symptoms detailed above.

General symptoms that are alarming and suggest a serious disease:

• Confusion
• Fainting, loss of consciousness
• Epileptic seizure
• Limb and/or facial paresis
• Rapid breathing, shortness of breath (cannot finish a sentence),
• Pale skin with cold sweat,
• Unable to stand on his/her own feet
• Vomiting that cannot be controlled
• Vomiting blood, passing blood in stools or urine, vaginal bleeding

The examination process, possible outcomes at the First Step Clinic

The examination process, possible outcomes at the First Step Clinic

  • Basic consultation: within a 30-minute medical consultation specialits ask about your Then targeted physical examination follows, blood pressure, pulse, oxygen levei is checked and ECG scan is performed, if necessary. lf the consultation uncovers the underlying problem, specialists will provide you with advice and a prescription if necessary. lf necessary, you will be called back for a follow-up.
  • The basic consultation may indicate further examinations including blood test (the result is available within 30 minutes), X­ ray, and abdominal-pelvic ultrasound scan on the same, then specialists provide a 15-minute summary consultation on the
  • ln certain cases, CT or MRI scan might be Depending on your condition and availability, these advanced imaging tests can be arranged for the same day or within a few days. Then, specialists provide a 30 min consultation on the results, or refers you to the appropriate specialist for follow-up.
  • lf the consultation(s) and tests confirm an acute condition requiring emergency care, you will be referred to an emergency department or hospital.

Symptoms and prices

Lower back pain

Lower back pain is a common complaint due to physical inactivity and sedentary lifestlye associated with today’s modern era.

ln addition to muscle strain, herniated disc, degenerative diseases of the bones and joints of the spine, osteoporotic disorders, and in severe cases tumours, metastases, spinal disorders may also be the underlying cause of the complaints.

During the medical examination, we check your spine and its nerve functions, looking far alarming symptoms and signs that may indicate the origin of the disease (musculoskeletal or neurological). lf necessary, laboratory tests, X-rays, spinal MRI, rheumatological and neurological follow-up will be arranged.

lf any of the following symptoms occur, call ambulance services (112) or go to the nearest emergency department

as there may be signs of spinal cord or spinal nerve compression:

  • Unable to stand up due to the pain
  • Unable to urinate (bladder does not empty)
  • Unable to hold stool (sphincter muscle releases)
  • Weakened, paralysed legs
  • Lower back pain occurs due to injury
  • lf you have cancer (in this case, lower back pain may be a sign of metastasis – please consult your oncologist)

Package Price: 34 OOO HUF The package includes:

  • Specialist Examination – 34 OOO HUF

lf you have any of the above symptoms, your doctor may recommend any of the following tests: 

  • MRI scan:
    • Lumbar spine MRI plain (without contrast) – 52 OOO HUF

Specialist Examination:

  • Neurology Specialist Examination – 34 OOO HUF
  • Rheumatology Specialist Examination – 34 OOO HUF

Final Consultation -15 min: 20 OOO HUF, 30 min 28 OOO HUF

Our specialist will review the results of the diagnostic tests and discuss his/her recommendations with you in a persona! or telephone consultation. lf the results of laboratory test, ultrasound or X-ray need to be consulted, the final consultation is expected to take 15 minutes (20 OOO HUF). ln addition to consulting your test results mentioned above, discussion of a CT scan results usually takes more time, in which case the final consultation is expected to take 30 minutes (28 OOO HUF).

Mild abdominal pain

Alike chest pain, abdominal pain has a wide range of causes and manifestations. It can be triggered by acid reflux, upset stomach, digestive juice deficiency, viral infection, inflammation of the gallbladder, liver, pancreas or the intestines (e.g. diverticulitis). The latter can be mild or severe. Appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, peritonitis are pathologies requiring surgery. The underlying cause of abdominal and lower back pain can be a dilation of the abdominal aorta (abdominal aortic aneurysm) or even pregnancy.

We look for the signs of triggering factors and alarming symptoms during consultation. In simple cases, we provide you with advice and recipes.

In more complex cases, a blood test, urine test or abdominal ultrasound scan is needed to get a reassuring result. For women of childbearing age, we routinely perform a pregnancy test from urine according to professional standards. Abdominal and pelvic CT scan may also be warranted as a next step. Depending on your condition and availability, we will arrange the CT scan on the same day or within a few days, and we will consult you on the results.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, call ambulance services (112) immediately or go to the nearest emergency department, as there may be a serious underlying medical condition (e.g. sepsis – blood poisoning, severe abdominal inflammation, intestinal obstruction, rupture of the abdominal aorta):

  • Very severe abdominal and lower back pain, unresponsive to painkillers,
  • Uncontrollable fever,
  • Uncontrollable vomiting,
  • Frank blood or blood clot in urine
  • Complaints are accompanied with loss of consciousness, fainting,
  • Complaints are accompanied with purple or cool, pale sweaty skin,
  • Complaints are accompanied with yellow skin,
  • Complaints are accompanied with confusion

If complaints develop after sexual intercourse or if blisters, ulcers or rashes appear on the genitals, it is recommended to visit a specialist STD clinic (STD – abbreviation for sexually transmitted diseases) for rapid and specialised diagnosis and treatment.

For pregnant women with abdominal complaints, consultation with the treating gynaecologist is recommended.

If abdominal complaints are accompanied with gynaecological complaints (vaginal itching, discharge, pain, bleeding), a gynaecological examination is recommended.

In case of a flare-up of a known abdominal or gastroenterological disease, consultation with your treating physician is recommended.

Package Price: 111 500 HUF

The package includes:

  • Specialist Examination – 34 000 HUF
  • Resting ECG
  • Point-of-care Laboratory tests
    • Basic Laboratory Package (full blood count, Na, K, Ca, Cl, glucose, creatinine, eGFR, lactic acid, pH, HCo3, pCO2) – 8 500 HUF
    • Abdominal Laboratory Package (LDH, CKP, AST, ALT, BUN, TBIL, GGT, ALP, amylase) – 12 000 HUF
    • CRP – 5 000 HUF
  • Point-of-care Urinalysis 3 000 HUF
  • Abdominal and pelvic ultrasound – 29 000 HUF
  • Basic Final Consultation – 20  000 HUF (15 min)

The contents of this package have been determined with the guidance of our specialists. The package includes the most commonly performed tests for the current symptom based on our specialist’s experience. It is possible that some tests may not be indicated in your case, or additional tests may be needed to make a diagnosis. You will be charged for the tests only that actually have been carried out.

If you have any of the above symptoms, your doctor may recommend any of the following tests:

  • CT scan:
    • CT abdomen and pelvis plain- without contrast – 48 000 HUF
    • CT abdomen and pelvis plain and with contrast – 74 000 HUF
  • Specialist Examination:
    • Internal Medicine Specialist Examination – 34 000 HUF
    • Gastroenterology Specialist Examination – 34 000 HUF
    • Gynaecology Specialist Examination – 34 000 HUF
    • Urology Specialist Examination – 34 000 HUF
    • Surgical Specialist Examination – 34 000 HUF
  • Laboratory Workup:
    • Point-of-care Pregnancy Test – 3 000 HUF 
  • Extra charge for emergency radiology reporting- HUF 15 000
    If a CT scan is required to determine the diagnosis and is performed on the day of the examination, an emergency extra charge is payable, so that the written diagnostic report is available to our specialists within a few hours.
  • Extended final consultation – 28 000 HUF(30 minutes)
    Our specialist will review the results of the diagnostic tests and discuss his/her recommendations with you in a personal or telephone consultation. If the results of laboratory test, ultrasound or X-ray need to be consulted, the final consultation is expected to take 15 minutes (20 000 HUF). In addition to consulting your test results mentioned above, discussion of a CT scan results usually takes more time, in which case the final consultation is expected to take 30 minutes (28 000 HUF).

It is quite a frequent complaint, often caused by stress, inadequate fluid intake, even weather changes/weather fronts. In many cases, it is not a primary problem but a symptom of some other disease, be it is a cold, sinusitis, viral infection, or even hypertension, anaemia, electrolyte imbalance or eye disease. In severe cases, it may be a sign of cerebral edema (brain swelling), bleeding or tumour. Other cases are known as primary headache disorders: these include migraine, cluster and tension type headaches.

During the medical consultation, we look for the causes and origin of the headache, possible alarming signs, measure blood pressure, and perform an ECG. A blood test is performed to detect signs of diseases internal organ of origin, if necessary. In some cases, we may arrange a head CT or MRI and also a follow-up with a neurologist.

Do not hesitate to visit our First Step Clinic, if your headaches are getting worse, becoming more frequent and you want to find out if there is a serious underlying problem, or you may want to get medication for your headaches.

Call ambulance services (112) or go to the nearest emergency department in the following cases, as there is a high risk of increased brain pressure, cerebral bleeding, herniation, stroke and thus permanent damage and danger to life:

  • If headache accompanied with fainting, epileptic seizures (twitching), paresis of one limb and/or face, difficulty speaking, visual disturbance, confusion
  • If the headache develops very quickly (peaks in a few minutes) and is very severe (“like being hit in the head with a hammer” – thunderclap headache)
  • If the headache develops after a head injury
  • In the case of known cancer, the priority is to rule out metastasis, in which case consultation with your treating oncologist is recommended 

Package Price: 52 500 HUF

The package includes:

  • Specialist Examination – 34 000 HUF
  • Point-of-care Laboratory tests
    • Basic Laboratory Package (full blood count, Na, K, Ca, Cl, glucose, creatinine, eGFR, lactic acid, pH, HCo3, pCO2) – 8 500 HUF
    • D-dimer – 5 000 HUF
    • CRP – 5 000 HUF

The contents of this package have been determined with the guidance of our specialists. The package includes the most commonly performed tests for the current symptom based on our specialist’s experience. It is possible that some tests may not be indicated in your case, or additional tests may be needed to make a diagnosis. You will be charged for the tests only that actually have been carried out.

If you have any of the above symptoms, your doctor may recommend any of the following tests:

  • CT scan:
    • CT head – without contrast – 29 000 HUF
    • CT head – with and without contrast – 54 000 HUF
    • CT head with and without contrast and CT angiography – 82 000 HUF
  • MRI scan:
    • MRI head without contrast – 52 000 HUF
    • MRI head with and without contrast – 97 000 HUF
    • MRI head and MRA (MR-Angiography) without contrast – 82 000 HUF
    • MRI head and MRA (MR-Angiography) without and with contrast – 105 000 HUF
    • MRI head and MRV (MR-Venography) without and with contrast – 108 000 HUF
  • Specialist Examination:
    • Neurology Specialist Examination – 34 000 HUF
  • Laboratory Workup:
    • Extended Laboratory Package – 15 000 HUF

(Aspartate aminotransferase (ASAT, GOT), Alanine aminotransferase (ALAT, GPT) , Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), Alkaline phosphatase (ALP), Total bilirubin, Conjugated (direct) bilirubin, Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), Urea, Creatinine, Uric acid, Glucose (blood sugar), Sodium (Na), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Iron (Fe), Total Protein, Albumin, C Reactive Protein (CRP), Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol, Triglyceride, FBC with automated qualitative blood count, General Urinalysis with sediment, TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone))

  • Vitamine B12 – 4 200 HUF
  • Folic acid – 4 200 HUF
  • Serum iron -500 HUF
  • Ferritin – 4 000 HUF
  • Transferrin – 2 000 HUF
  • Blood cell sedimentation – 2 000 HUF
  • Sampling fee – 3 500 HUF 
  • Extra charge for emergency radiology reporting– 15 000 HUF

If a CT scan is required to determine the diagnosis and is performed on the day of the examination, an emergency extra charge is payable, so that the written diagnostic result is available to our specialists within a few hours. 

  • Extended final consultation – 28 000 HUF(30 minutes)
    Our specialist will review the results of the diagnostic tests and discuss his/her recommendations with you in a personal or telephone consultation. If the results of laboratory test, ultrasound or X-ray need to be consulted, the final consultation is expected to take 15 minutes (20 000 HUF). In addition to consulting your test results mentioned above, discussion of a CT scan results usually takes more time, in which case the final consultation is expected to take 30 minutes (28 000 HUF).
Colds, fever, urinary tract infection

Frequent urge to urinate, stinging, discoloured, smelly urine is a sign of urinary tract infection. In some cases, blood may also appear in the urine. UTI may be accompanied with abdominal pain, fever, lower back pain. Bladder infection can spread to the kidneys, causing renal cystitis. During the medical examination, we will try to differentiate between lower (inflammation of the bladder – cystitis, inflammation of the urethra – urethritis) and upper/complicated urinary tract infections and possible other abdominal infections. Point-of-care urine tests and urine culture test are taken in all cases. In case of a confirmed urinary tract infection, antibiotics will be prescribed. In complicated cases, we will arrange a blood test, abdominal ultrasound and consult you on the results.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, call ambulance services (112) immediately or go to the nearest emergency department, as there may be a serious underlying medical condition (sepsis – blood poisoning, kidney obstruction, severe abdominal inflammation from another cause):

  • Very severe abdominal, lower back pain unresponsive to painkillers
  • Uncontrollable fever,
  • Uncontrollable vomiting
  • Frank blood or blood clot in urine
  • Complaints are accompanied with loss of consciousness, fainting,
  • Complaints are accompanied with purple or cool, pale sweaty skin,
  • Complaints are accompanied with yellow skin,
  • Complaints are accompanied with confusion

If complaints develop after sexual intercourse or if blisters, ulcers or rashes appear on the genitals, it is recommended to visit a specialist STD clinic (STD – abbreviation for sexually transmitted diseases) for rapid and specialised diagnosis and treatment.

For pregnant women with abdominal complaints, consultation with the treating gynaecologist is recommended.

If urinary complaints are accompanied with gynaecological complaints (vaginal itching, discharge, pain, bleeding), a gynaecological examination is recommended. 

Package Price: 67 500 HUF

The package includes:

  • Specialist Examination – 34 000 HUF
  • Resting ECG
  • Point-of-care Laboratory tests
    • Basic Laboratory Package (full blood count, Na, K, Ca, Cl, glucose, creatinine, eGFR, lactic acid, pH, HCo3, pCO2) – 8 500 HUF
    • Abdominal Laboratory Package (LDH, CKP, AST, ALT, BUN, TBIL, GGT, ALP, amylase) – 12 000 HUF
    • D-dimer – 5 000 HUF
    • CRP – 5 000 HUF
  • Point-of-care Urinalysis 3 000 HUF

The contents of this package have been determined with the guidance of our specialists. The package includes the most commonly performed tests for the current symptom based on our specialist’s experience. It is possible that some tests may not be indicated in your case, or additional tests may be needed to make a diagnosis. You will be charged for the tests only that actually have been carried out.

If you have any of the above symptoms, your doctor may recommend any of the following tests:

  • Ultrasound:
    • Abdominal and pelvic ultrasound – 29 000 HUF
  • CT scan:
    • CT abdomen and pelvis plain- without contrast – 48 000 HUF
  • Specialist Examination:
    • Urology Specialist Examination – 34 000 HUF
  • Laboratory Workup:
    • Point-of-care pregnancy test – 3 000 HUF
    • Urinalysis: (general+sediment) – 2 000 HUF
    • Bacterial Culture and Resistance Test (aerobic) – 6 000 HUF
    • Sampling Fee – 1 500 HUF
  • Extra charge for emergency radiology reporting- HUF 15 000
    If a CT scan is required to determine the diagnosis and is performed on the day of the examination, an emergency extra charge is payable, so that the written diagnostic report is available to our specialists within a few hours.
  • Final Consultation – 15 min: 20 000 HUF, 30 min: 28 000 HUF
    Our specialist will review the results of the diagnostic tests and discuss his/her recommendations with you in a personal or telephone consultation. If the results of laboratory test, ultrasound or X-ray need to be consulted, the final consultation is expected to take 15 minutes (20 000 HUF). In addition to consulting your test results mentioned above, discussion of a CT scan results usually takes more time, in which case the final consultation is expected to take 30 minutes (28 000 HUF).
Stabbing chest pain with breathing, movement

Chest pain is also a very common and very diverse complaint. It can affect both small or large areas, it can occur alone or even with accompanying symptoms. It can be sign of a trivial or a serious, even life-threatening condition.

A simple, non-dangerous cause can be inflammation of the skin, chest wall (muscles, cartilages, bones), inflammation, infection or other disease of the lungs/ pleura. It may be triggered by stress, anxiety, digestive problems (e.g. food pipe diseases such as reflux).

Ruling out of serious condition is of key importance. During medical consultation, the origin of the complaint will be investigated, an ECG and blood sample will be taken. Furthermore, if necessary, a chest X-ray, or a low-dose chest CT scan will be performed and the results will be evaluated. If the laboratory results do not exclude the possibility of pulmonary embolism, but the symptoms and test results do not suggest a severe form, we will arrange an urgent chest CT with contrast.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, call ambulance services (112) immediately or go to the nearest emergency department, as there may be a serious or life-threatening condition (e.g. myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, pneumothorax, aortic dissection), which is time-critical and complex to treat:

  • If the chest pain develops suddenly, is severe and extensive
  • If the chest pain is tight, squeezing, tearing or tearing-piercing
  • If complaints are accompanied with loss of consciousness, fainting,
  • If complaints are accompanied with palpitations
  • If complaints are accompanied with shortness of breath (cannot speak in one sentence)
  • If complaints are accompanied with loud, rapid wheezing
  • If complaints are accompanied with purple or cool, pale sweaty skin,
  • Confusion

If you do not have any of the above symptoms but have a known heart disease, it is advisable to consult your treating cardiologist. 

Package Price: 106 500 HUF

The package includes:

  • Specialist Examination – 34 000 HUF
  • Resting ECG
  • Point-of-care Laboratory tests
    • Basic Laboratory Package (full blood count, Na, K, Ca, Cl, glucose, creatinine, eGFR, lactic acid, pH, HCo3, pCO2) – 8 500 HUF
    • Abdominal Laboratory Package (LDH, CKP, AST, ALT, BUN, TBIL, GGT, ALP, amylase) – 12 000 HUF
    • Troponin – 5 000 HUF
    • D-dimer – 5 000 HUF
    • CRP – 5 000 HUF
  • Bilateral Chest X-ray – 17 000 HUF
  • Basic Final Consultation – 20  000 HUF (15 min)

The contents of this package have been determined with the guidance of our specialists. The package includes the most commonly performed tests for the current symptom based on our specialist’s experience. It is possible that some tests may not be indicated in your case, or additional tests may be needed to make a diagnosis. You will be charged for the tests only that actually have been carried out.

If you have any of the above symptoms, your doctor may recommend any of the following tests:

  • CT scan:
    • Low-dose Chest CT- 29 000 HUF
    • CT Chest Without Contrast – 29 000 HUF
    • CT Chest With and Without Contrast – 54 000 HUF
    • CT Pulmonary Angiography (PCTA) With and Without Contrast – 71 000 HUF
    • CT Aortography Whole (CTA) With and Without Contrast – 121 000 Ft
  • Specialist Examination:
    • Internal Medicine Specialist Examination – 34 000 HUF
    • Haematology Specialist Examination – 34 000 HUF 
  • Extra charge for emergency radiology reporting- HUF 15 000
    If a CT scan is required to determine the diagnosis and is performed on the day of the examination, an emergency extra charge is payable, so that the written diagnostic report is available to our specialists within a few hours.

 Extended Final Consultation – 28 000 HUF(30 min)

  • Our specialist will review the results of the diagnostic tests and discuss his/her recommendations with you in a personal or telephone consultation. If the results of laboratory test, ultrasound or X-ray need to be consulted, the final consultation is expected to take 15 minutes (20 000 HUF). In addition to consulting your test results mentioned above, discussion of a CT scan results usually takes more time, in which case the final consultation is expected to take 30 minutes (28 000 HUF).
For cough, sore throat, colds, earache

Most colds and upper respiratory tract infections are caused by viral infections. In this case, there is nothing to do other than the well-known and proven symptomatic treatment. Using antibiotics unnecessarily in such a case is not only unhelpful, but actually harmful by increasing the risk of antibiotic resistance and destroying the natural flora in our bodies.

Bacterial overgrowth can also occur during viral infections. The sign of bacterial overgrowth can be prolonged infections or worsening symptoms after a few days (worsening fever, changes in the amount and colour of respiratory phlegm). In other cases, the disease is primarily caused by a bacterial infection. However, the distinction is not always obvious. Antibiotics are needed to overcome bacterial infections.

During the consultation, we investigate the cause and focus of the infection, and we prescribe antibiotics in case of bacterial infection. In some cases, we arrange blood tests and chest X-rays to support the decision, and then evaluate the results.

Call ambulance services (112) or go to the nearest emergency department in the following cases, when the underlying cause of the symptoms may indicate severe pneumonia, lack of oxygen, sepsis:

  • Accompanied with shortness of breath (unable to finish a sentence)
  • Accompanied with loud, rapid, wheezing
  • Accompanied with purple or cool, pale sweaty skin,
  • Confusion 

Package Price: 47 500 HUF

The package includes:

  • Specialist Examination – 34 000 HUF
  • Point-of-care Laboratory tests
    • Basic Laboratory Package (full blood count, Na, K, Ca, Cl, glucose, creatinine, eGFR, lactic acid, pH, HCo3, pCO2) – 8 500 HUF
    • CRP – 5 000 HUF

The contents of this package have been determined with the guidance of our specialists. The package includes the most commonly performed tests for the current symptom based on our specialist’s experience. It is possible that some tests may not be indicated in your case, or additional tests may be needed to make a diagnosis. You will be charged for the tests only that actually have been carried out.

If you have any of the above symptoms, your doctor may recommend any of the following tests:

  • X-ray:
    • Bilateral Chest X-ray – 17 000 HUF
  • CT scan:
    • Low-dose Chest CT- 29 000 HUF
    • CT Chest With and Without Contrast – 54 000 HUF
  • Specialist Examination:
    • Pulmonolgy Specialist Examination – 34 000 HUF
    • Ear-nose-throat Specialist Examination – 34 000 HUF 
  • Extra charge for emergency radiology reporting- HUF 15 000
    If a CT scan is required to determine the diagnosis and is performed on the day of the examination, an emergency extra charge is payable, so that the written diagnostic report is available to our specialists within a few hours.
  • Final Consultation – 20 000 HUF (15 min) – 28 000 HUF30 (min)
    Our specialist will review the results of the diagnostic tests and discuss his/her recommendations with you in a personal or telephone consultation. If the results of laboratory test, ultrasound or X-ray need to be consulted, the final consultation is expected to take 15 minutes (20 000 HUF). In addition to consulting your test results mentioned above, discussion of a CT scan results usually takes more time, in which case the final consultation is expected to take 30 minutes (28 000 HUF).
Prescription of emergeny contraceptives

Emergency contraception is needed in the case of unprotected sex, incorrect use or failure of a contraception method. There are two options available. One option is to take an emergency contraceptive pill, and the other one is the insertion of an intrauterine device (e.g. an IUD) The emergency contraception pill can be prescribed at First Step Clinic, while an IUD requires a gynaecological examination.

There are two types of tablets available, one is to be used within 72 hours of intercourse and the other one is to be used within five days after the intercourse. As a general rule, the sooner the better. Taking the pill does not interrupt an already developed pregnancy. Nausea, vomiting and spotting may occur as side effects. If vomiting occurs within a few hours after taking the tablet, you can take a repeated dose. In case any signs of pregnancy – like altered menstrual cycle /irregular periods or late bleeding is detected after taking the tablet, a gynaecological specialist examination is recommended.

If the risk of getting pregnant after intercourse is high (due to irregular cycles, repeated unprotected intercourse, intercourse around ovulation (mid-cycle)), it is advisable to consult a gynaecologist to choose the most appropriate contraceptive method (intrauterine device/pill).

Service Fee: 34 000 HUF

Our experts

Dr. József Füstös specialist in internal medicine, oximologist-emergency specialist-doctor-designate Hungarian, English Doctors Hungarian, English language 18+ Patients 18+ from ages and up
1123 Budapest,
Alkotás street 55-61.
+36 1 323 7000
  • Monday 06:30-20:00
  • Tuesday 06:30-20:00
  • Wednesday 06:30-20:00
  • Thursday 06:30-20:00
  • Friday 06:30-20:00
  • Saturday 07:00-14:00
  • Holiday opening hours
  • 23rd December 06:30-20:00
  • 24th-29th December Closed
  • 30th December 07:00-15:00
  • 31st December Closed
  • 1st January Closed
