Exhalation test H2

Exhalation test H2

The hydrogen breath test can painlessly detect lactose intolerance, contaminated small bowel syndrome and fructose intolerance.

Lactose is a disaccharide found in milk, which is converted by an enzyme called lactase into glucose and galactose that are absorbed in the small intestine. If this enzyme is missing, the body cannot convert and use the sugar from milk. In contaminated small intestine syndrome, colon bacteria enter the small intestine and start a fermentation process that damages the intestinal wall. Fructose (fructose) is a monosaccharide which, after absorption from the intestine, is converted into glucose (glucose) by an enzyme (fructose-1-phosphate aldolase). If the body lacks the enzyme to break down the glucose, the conversion does not take place, resulting in a drop in blood sugar and the release of toxic substances that damage the liver. When the test fluid ingested during the test is broken down, hydrogen gas is produced, absorbed into the bloodstream and exhaled through the lungs.

How the test works:

How the test works:

After proper preparation, the patient consumes a test liquid containing lactose, fructose or lactulose. During the test, every 20 to 30 minutes for 180 minutes, exhaled air is blown into a tube connected to the meter to measure the increase in hydrogen level.

Preparing for the test:

Preparing for the test:

  • Stop taking antibiotics and probiotics in the month before the test.
  • After endoscopic procedures and surgery, at least 4 weeks should elapse before H2 testing
  • Do not consume milk, dairy products, fruit, vegetables, nuts and oilseeds the day before the test
  • Avoid alcohol, carbonated drinks and smoking the day before the test
  • On the day of the test, brush your teeth only with clean water and do not use toothpaste, mouthwash, chewing gum or sweets, as these substances will affect the results of the test

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