
Neurology private practice and neurological examination

What is neurology, what neurological symptoms are covered by private neurological treatment, is it worth going to a private neurologist or a private neurological clinic – and what are the steps involved in a neurological examination?

What is neurology?

Neurology is a medical speciality that deals with disorders of the nervous system. More specifically, it deals with the diagnosis and treatment of all diseases that are associated with the central and peripheral nervous systems.

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Neurological symptoms, groups of diseases with which you can come to our private neurological clinic!

Sleep disorders

Sleep disturbances (frequent awakenings, difficulty falling back asleep)

Dizzy spells


Loss of consciousness

Persistent or recurrent concentration or memory problems, forgetfulness

Muscle fatigue or weakness not previously noticed (walking up stairs, getting up from a chair, washing, dressing, combing hair, shaving, mushrooming, talking, swallowing, chewing)

Recurrent or persistent neck or lower back pain (with or without limb weakness, numbness or tingling)

Previously undetected muscle weakness associated with twitching and/or numbness

Hearing complaints (hearing loss, tinnitus if a neurological cause is suspected)

Gait disturbances (unsteady gait, falls, tendency to stoop, misdirection when walking)

Visual disturbances (sudden loss of vision, visual impairment of non-ocular origin, double vision, colour and shape recognition problems)

Headaches that have been present for years or for a short time but are severe or worsening

Facial pain, eye pain for which no other specialist cause has been found

Change, worsening or loss of sense of taste or smell

Neurological fitness test (screening for sleep apnoea syndrome with respiratory pulse oximetry).

Transient confusion state

Complaints of speech disorder (speech impediment, speech difficulty, difficulty in pronunciation)

Unprecedented loss of muscle mass (thinning of the hand or leg)

Limb numbness (upper limb, lower limb, hand-foot, fingers, face, tongue)

Bowel movements – urinary disorders for which no other specialist cause has been found

Weakened or clumsy limbs (dropping objects, trips, falls)

Complaints about reading, speaking, swallowing

Burning sensation or numbness on a previously asymptomatic part of the body

The neurological examination procedure:

The neurological examination consists of two basic parts:

1. medical history (anamnesis).

The first part of the neuropsychological history is a general anamnesis (neurological history).

This is followed by a physical examination.

2. Physical examination (including state of consciousness)

This involves looking at abnormalities of the skull, spinal column, mental and gait disorders, possible speech disorders, function of the cranial nerves, muscle strength and mass, reflexes, sensory functions, coordination.

If necessary, other tests can and should be carried out to confirm the diagnosis and to rule out other possible pathologies. Depending on the suspected diagnosis, we may ask for imaging (CT, MRI), ultrasound (for blood supply problems in the brain), or an X-ray (usually for spinal disorders). If necessary, we may also need the opinion of another specialist or laboratory tests – this is always decided on the basis of the current situation.

Respiratory pulse oximetry device available at our institute and in our private neurology practice: in case of suspected sleep disorders, sleep apnoea syndrome, we issue a mobile monitor to the patient, which can be used in the patient’s home for 8 hours overnight to record parameters during sleep. After analysing the data, we issue an expert opinion on the driver’s licence and, if positive, on the existence and severity of the syndrome and, if necessary, on the further action to be taken (drug therapy and, if necessary, polysomnogaphic examination).

Post-covid neurological examination package

Neurological symptoms and complications may also be seen in the case of a recent coronavirus infection. It is advisable to consult a specialist in the following cases:

  • memory impairment
  • reduced ability to concentrate
  • frequent headaches
  • arm/leg numbness

What is in the pack?

  • Specialist neurological examination
  • Laboratory tests: vitamin B 12, folic acid, transferrin, ferritin

Price of the package: 34.000 Ft

Neurological symptoms associated with coronavirus infection can be included as additional tests in the Post-covid BASE or EXTRA package: details

Our private neurologists

Dr. Enikő Csák neurologist, clinical neurophysiologist Hungarian, English, Romanian Doctors Hungarian, English, Romanian language 16+ Patients 16+ from ages and up


Neurology consultation,Neurology examination
39 800 Ft
Neurology follow up examination (within 2 months) Follow up examination can be booked within 2 months from the first examination at Wáberer Medical Center.
33 000 Ft
Lidocain injection
1 000 Ft Booking
Milgamma injection
2 000 Ft Booking
Naropin injection
4 000 Ft Booking
Voltaren injection
1 000 Ft Booking
IM or SC injection - surcharge to examination fee
12 000 Ft Booking
Further prices Close

1123 Budapest,
Alkotás street 55-61.
+36 1 323 7000
  • Monday 06:30-20:00
  • Tuesday 06:30-20:00
  • Wednesday 06:30-20:00
  • Thursday 06:30-20:00
  • Friday 06:30-20:00
  • Saturday 07:00-14:00
