What is occupational health about?

The Occupational Health and Safety Act XCIII of 1993 stipulates that all employers must provide occupational health services for all the workers they employ.

The scope of occupational health includes:

– various aptitude tests,
– risk assessment at the workplace,
– investigations into occupational diseases,
– investigations into the health effects of work,
– and advice on protective equipment.

At Wáberer Medical Center, we provide a professional, customer-oriented service. We adapt to the needs of companies with a high degree of flexibility, taking into account individual characteristics. This is how we put together our basic and advanced testing packages. As an additional service, we offer our manager screening packages at middle and senior management level. Based on the data submitted, our specialists can give you lifestyle and dietary advice.

1123 Budapest,
Alkotás street 55-61.
+36 1 323 7000
  • Monday 06:30-20:00
  • Tuesday 06:30-20:00
  • Wednesday 06:30-20:00
  • Thursday 06:30-20:00
  • Friday 06:30-20:00
  • Saturday 07:00-14:00
