Most heart problems in children are congenital. In more severe cases, heart problems can often be detected immediately after birth, causing a life-threatening condition in the newborn that requires immediate surgical intervention.
Common symptoms of congenital heart disease
- the baby tires quickly during feeding and breathes heavily
- high respiratory rate even at rest
- the baby’s weight gain stops abruptly and sometimes starts to decline;
- frequent yellowing and paleness of the skin
Less serious congenital heart defects often first appear at a few weeks or months of age and may not be noticed by parents, but the abnormalities are detected by the pediatrician at screening:
- a heart rate that is too low or too high
- heart murmur
- irregular heartbeat,
- high blood pressure, possibly a difference in blood pressure between the limbs
In all cases it is essential to see a pediatric cardiologist as soon as possible.