For adult patients with coronavirus infection

About the Post-Covid filter pack

Tests in the Post-Covid screening kit are recommended 3-6 weeks after infection.

Why is it important to be aware of your health?

  • 30-40% of patients admitted to hospital with COVID develop heart disease, but even those who are asymptomatic are at increased cardiac risk*
  • 350 000 certified athletes and at least that many people in our country play sport intensively at amateur level
  • Recommendations from sports professional organisations do not reach at-risk amateur athletes

Who do we recommend?

Our Post-Covid screening package is recommended for patients with a coronavirus infection, in particular:

  • In addition to professional athletes, it is also recommended that amateurs who play intensive sports should carefully resume exercise following recovery from COVID-19
  • patients with physical stress (heavy or frequent physical work)
  • people with heart and lung disease
  • persistent fatigue and dyspnoea

*A Game Plan for the Resumption of Sport and Exercise After Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Infection, JAMA Cardiology Published online May 13, 2020 American Medical AssociationA Game Plan for the Resumption of Sport and Exercise After Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Infection, JAMA Cardiology Published online May 13, 2020 American Medical Association

Our Post-Covid screening packages

Adult BÁZIS screening package

Contents of the adult BÁZIS filter package:

  • Laboratory kit: large routine + troponin level + venous quantitative antibody test
  • LDCT (low-dose CT / low-dose chest CT)
  • ECG at rest, blood pressure, pulse, blood oxygen saturation measurement
  • 30-minute consultation with a specialist in internal medicine

Discounted price of the adult BÁZIS package: 108.000 Ft


Adult EXTRA screening package

Adult EXTRA screening package includes:

  • Laboratory package: large routine + Troponin level + Venous quantitative antibody test
  • LDCT (low-dose CT / low-dose chest CT)
  • Covid-19 antigen test
  • Special cardiology examination with cardiac ultrasound and, if Troponin level is adequate, exercise ECG
  • Specialist pulmonary examination with spirometry (respiratory function test)

Reduced price for the adult EXTRA package: 160.000 HUF

Post-Covid neurological supplementary package (Available in addition to the BÁZIS and EXTRA packages.)

If you are experiencing symptoms of memory loss, reduced concentration, frequent headaches or arm/leg numbness, we recommend the Post-Covid neurological package as an additional package to the BÁZIS or EXTRA package.

Neurological package includes:

  • Specialist neurological examination
  • Laboratory tests:
    – Vitamin B 12
    – Folic acid
    – Transferrin
    – Ferritin

Price of the package: 47.000 Ft

How is it recommended to return to sport?

In addition to professional athletes, amateurs who play intensive sports should also be careful when resuming exercise after recovery from COVID-19. Experts at the Wáberer Cardiology Centre (WKC), the capital’s leading private cardiology centre, stress that even in the case of asymptomatic disease, exercise is not recommended for 3 weeks after a positive test result.

Before returning to exercise, amateurs who have had a coronavirus infection should rest for at least 3 weeks and, even in cases without symptoms, a cardiological check-up is recommended.

According to experts, COVID-19 is associated with a higher than usual risk of developing heart problems, and therefore low-intensity exercise with gradual exercise and heart rate control is recommended after a detailed sports cardiology examination, including cardiac MRI.

What do you recommend for amateur athletes?

Cycling and running, for example, have become popular mass sports in recent years, but it is important that even for intensively active amateurs, even after a symptom-free infection, they do not immediately return to run the usual laps of the Margaret Island recortán.

According to the WKC expert, amateur athletes – especially those preparing for half-marathons and marathons, which have become extremely popular recently – are even more at risk, as they can only rely on good information flow and their own discretion. Professionals, on the other hand, are obliged to undergo mandatory pre-return examinations and are under constant medical supervision during active periods.

“Experience has shown that 30-40% of patients hospitalised with COVID-19 disease develop heart problems. Sports medicine regulations apply to professionals, but the risk is just as high for amateurs. Even the mildest symptoms and complaints should be treated by a specialist, but this is especially true in cases of choking, chest pain, loss of consciousness,” added Dr Csaba Sári.

When should I start Post-Covid testing?

According to the OSEI position paper for athletes issued on 28 October, a complex cardiological examination (resting ECG, echocardiogram, echocardiogram, laboratory tests) should be performed 1-3 weeks after the end of the rest period and the official quarantine. In the case of pathological abnormalities or prolonged complaints, additional tests such as coronary CT, cardiac MR or Holter scans may be necessary.

The targeted packages offered by the Wáberer Cardiology Centre (WKC) provide a comprehensive picture of health risks, as the institution’s experienced cardiologists not only perform the tests required by the mandatory recommendations, but have developed more extensive and complex testing protocols.

Our experts

Dr. András Csepregi cardiology magyar, angol Doctors magyar, angol language 12+ Patients 12+ from ages and up
Dr. Sándor Szőke general internal medicine, cardiology Hungarian Doctors Hungarian language 18+ Patients 18+ from ages and up
Dr. Gábor Fülöp general internal medicine, cardiology Hungarian, English Doctors Hungarian, English language 18+ Patients 18+ from ages and up
Dr. Zsolt Piróth cardiology English, Italian, Hungarian Doctors English, Italian, Hungarian language 18+ Patients 18+ from ages and up
Dr. Edit Dulka respiratory physician Hungarian, English Doctors Hungarian, English language 12+ Patients 12+ from ages and up
Dr. Enikő Csák neurologist, clinical neurophysiologist Hungarian, English, Romanian Doctors Hungarian, English, Romanian language 16+ Patients 16+ from ages and up
Dr. Klára Szondy respiratory physician Hungarian, English Doctors Hungarian, English language 18+ Patients 18+ from ages and up
Dr. Zita Pék internist, angiologist specialist Hungarian Doctors Hungarian language 18+ Patients 18+ from ages and up
1123 Budapest,
Alkotás street 55-61.
+36 1 323 7000
  • Monday 06:30-20:00
  • Tuesday 06:30-20:00
  • Wednesday 06:30-20:00
  • Thursday 06:30-20:00
  • Friday 06:30-20:00
  • Saturday 07:00-14:00
