Proctology is the field of general surgery that specialises in the investigation and treatment of diseases of the rectum. A proctologist performs a variety of tests, from manual inspection to colonoscopy. These tests are uncomfortable but actually painless – especially if the patient is relaxed, not fidgety and tries to calm their feelings of shame.
The sooner patients with rectal complaints see a doctor, the easier it is to treat their condition, so that in the vast majority of cases painful major surgery can be avoided and long-term recovery is almost always easily achieved using conservative or semi-conservative methods.
These procedures are uncomfortable, but actually painless – especially if the patient relaxes, doesn’t fidget and tries to calm their feelings of shame.
The sooner patients with rectal complaints see a doctor, the easier it is to treat their condition, so that in the vast majority of cases painful major surgery can be avoided and long-term recovery is almost always easily achieved using conservative or semi-conservative methods.
If the tests show no abnormalities, the appointment ends with an annual check-up.
If positive, a recommendation is made for further gastroenterological investigations and an appointment is made (laboratory tests, abdominal UH, abdominal CT, abdominal and pelvic MRI, possibly colonoscopy).
These procedures are performed under local anaesthesia as outpatient procedures. If indicated, the sample is subjected to histopathological examination.