
Varicose veins are a widespread disease in Hungary today. Venous disorders affect almost 20% of the Hungarian population, and women are more affected, especially those over 30-40 years of age who have already given birth. The disease process starts with insufficient functioning of the venous valves, which causes the venous wall to become damaged and dilated.

Long-term varicose veins can cause chronic venous insufficiency, in addition to complaints or cosmetic problems. Skin lesions, eczema, phlebitis, superficial venous thrombosis and ultimately leg ulcers can result.

Nowadays, in addition to traditional varicose vein surgery, advanced varicose vein surgery is becoming more common. In Western Europe, more than 90% of varicose veins are now treated by laser, radiofrequency or adhesive methods.


  • In vascular surgery, we provide our patients with the most modern methods of 1-day care, which are the adhesive varicose vein surgery and laser varicose vein surgery.
  • In addition to vein surgery, we also treat vascular stenosis and vasodilatation.
  • Leg ulcer investigation and modern treatment.
  • Diabetic foot clinic.


In traditional varicose vein surgery, a few surgical incisions are made to access the main vein trunks (vena saphena magna, parva) and then cut between the ligatures. In the groin or the popliteal fossa, where the vein flows into the deep vein, the lateral branches are also ligated (crossectomy), and then the vein is removed by pulling it out of place with a probe inserted into the vein. This causes relatively serious tissue damage and the side branches are torn, which explains the considerable post-operative pain and haemorrhaging. A wound in the groin is also not advantageous because of the risk of infection and the inability to clean.

Minimally invasive surgical procedures without incisions, using endovenous surgery, have been used for more than a decade and a half. International follow-up studies show that the surgical success rate and recurrence rate are comparable to the late results of conventional varicose vein surgery, but the surgical burden is significantly lower, complications are minimised and the improvement in quality of life is clearly faster than with conventional surgery. In countries where new methods are adequately supported by insurance, modern venous surgery is now almost exclusively used!

All revascularisation procedures are preceded by a detailed vascular surgical examination, so that there is no risk of complications from an unrecognised wound healing defect due to a vascular stenosis, and the underlying disease is treated, not only the superficial, visible skin lesion, but also the underlying disease, by identifying the cause of the varicose vein disease or chronic venous insufficiency



ABiolitec Leonardo 1470 nm diode laser is the most advanced type of laser. The laser beam energy is absorbed by water molecules in the tissue at high wavelengths, heating them and heating the target area. The surgery uses a dual radial filament that radiates 360 degrees, which effectively transmits the laser light over the entire inner surface of the vessel wall.

Before the surgery

Patients undergo a detailed examination at our clinic, physical examination, venous ultrasound, arterial Doppler if necessary. Blood sampling is also necessary. The patient is prescribed a compression sleeve II up to the thigh before surgery.

The operation

Half an hour before the operation, the patient will be called for an appointment where the necessary administration will be carried out and the patient can ask any questions. You will be dressed in scrubs before the operation. The surgery is performed under local anaesthesia. Immediately before the operation, an ultrasound scan will be used to precisely mark the veins to be treated.

After washing the surgical site with an antiseptic solution and sterile isolation, a guide wire is inserted into the lumen of the main vein trunk in the knee or leg using ultrasound and is guided up to the point of insertion in the groin or knee joint and the laser thread is guided up to this point. Then, again under ultrasound control, an anaesthetic solution is injected around the vein trunk to be operated on. Laser coagulation is performed from the top down, with continuous slow retraction of the laser catheter, under ultrasound guidance. At the end of the operation, a compression stocking is applied to the limb up to the thigh. Immediately after the operation, the patient gets up and, if there are no complaints, can be discharged home in 15 minutes. You will not be allowed to drive a car.

What to do after the treatment

The next day, the patient is called back for a check-up and dressing. After 4 weeks, a follow-up ultrasound scan will be performed. If there is a risk, the patient is given an anticoagulant injection once a day for 5 days after the operation to prevent thrombosis. After 2 days, he is fully fit for work while wearing compression stockings, although heavy physical work and sport are not recommended until after 3 weeks. You can shower after 48 hours. Rubber stockings should be worn for 2 weeks. Wound pain is minimal in most cases, interstitial haemorrhages are rare. The degree of discomfort after surgery depends largely on the amount and size of the varicose veins operated on. Most commonly, a burning pain on the inner surface of the thigh occurs on the 2nd or 3rd day after surgery, which is easily relieved with standard painkillers and the area can be iced.


Surgical methods that do not require anaesthesia (e.g. adhesive), which have become more common in the last 2-3 years, use a new, costly technique for patient comfort. These methods have advantages over traditional and laser varicose vein surgery:

  • no surgical incision in the inguinal hernia
  • minimal postoperative bleeding between tissues, no wound pain
  • patient can get up and walk immediately after surgery, no need for hospital observation, surgery can be performed on an outpatient basis
  • the operation can be performed without anaesthesia, no local anaesthesia is required.
  • aesthetic results are excellent due to the absence of punctures and incisions
  • you can return to work immediately after surgery, no long periods of sick leave
  • long-term results are no different from those of traditional surgery

1123 Budapest,
Alkotás street 55-61.
+36 1 323 7000
  • Monday 06:30-20:00
  • Tuesday 06:30-20:00
  • Wednesday 06:30-20:00
  • Thursday 06:30-20:00
  • Friday 06:30-20:00
  • Saturday 07:00-14:00
