The H2 breath test requires preparation, compliance with which will determine the validity of the test.
Please consult your doctor before taking the test:
any medication you take regularly or intermittently
any recent or ongoing illness within 2 weeks before the test.
Antibiotic and lactose-containing medications will affect the results of the test. If you are taking lactose-containing medicines, your doctor may decide to suspend them. You must wait at least two weeks after taking antibiotics before the test result can be safely evaluated.
Please note that in order to ensure the results of the test, please follow the instructions below and call our Call Centre on +36 1323 7000 if you have any questions.
Do not ingest before the test:
- antibiotics, probiotics within two weeks
- Probiotics, no probiotics, no oral antibiotics, no antacids or any digestive medication
- within two days prior to a probiotic, no antibiotics, no laxatives.
The day before the test
do not eat fruit, salads, vegetables, oilseeds, foods cooked in fats or oils, milk, dairy products, foods containing lactose, drinks containing alcohol
rice, potatoes, eggs, pasta, poultry, ha-lat (not canned); lactose-free margarine, cold cuts, sausages, white flour bakery products, non-carbonated water.
Eating after 7pm, no drinking after 9pm,
brush your teeth thoroughly in the evening.
Please do not eat, drink, use toothpaste or mouthwash, take any medication, chew gum, put anything in your mouth, smoke or use tobacco on the morning of the day of the test. Do not wear lipstick, lip gloss or perfume.
Please brush your teeth without toothpaste on the morning of the examination and do not swallow water.
The test takes 3 hours.