What is a mammogram?

In our country, breast cancer is the most common and leading cancer, with an increased health risk among women over 40. The earlier breast cancer is detected, the more effective the treatment. That is why it is so important for women to have regular breast cancer screening. Self-testing, physical examinations by a specialist and diagnostic imaging techniques such as ultrasound, mammography and MRI scans play an important role in prevention.

The basic and preferred method of breast examination is the so-called soft X-ray mammography. Mammography is the only scientifically proven method for screening women at average risk and reducing mortality. Our institute is equipped with the state-of-the-art digital GE Senographe Pristina.

  • Mammography is a type of examination that involves X-rays and therefore radiation exposure.
  • Importantly, the risk is much lower than the consequences of a cancelled but justified examination.
  • With our state-of-the-art GE Pristina, we work with the most optimal and lowest possible radiation exposure, and the radiation exposure of tomosynthesis scans is not more stressful than 2D scans.

Mammography with implant

For mammography / tomosynthesis, breast implants do not interfere with imaging. With proper technique, the implant does not cover the breast tissue or destroy the implant. Women with implants can therefore have the same mammography of their breast tissue. If the aim is to assess the condition of the implant, for example to check the implantation over several years or to suspect damage/rupture, a breast ultrasound scan or, even more importantly, a native MR scan targeting the breast implant is recommended.

PLEASE MAKE SURE TO BRING YOUR PREVIOUS FINDINGS WITH YOU! Comparison with the previous images will help to make an accurate diagnosis and even clarify the need for further investigations.

Reasons for excluding mammography

It is not recommended to perform a scan with radiation exposure during pregnancy or if it is suspected. If breast-feeding, the scan can be done if necessary, but milk should be given to the baby after 24 hours, during which time please express the milk but do not use it. If you have received an iodine-containing intravenous contrast agent (e.g. during a CT scan), the test should not be performed until 24 hours after the test. If you have had a mammogram within a year, it is not recommended that you have the test again unless you have a complaint. However, in this case, a complex breast screening should only be performed.

Preparing for an examination

Mammography can be done at any time regardless of the menstrual cycle, but it is preferable to have it done the week after menstruation. It does not require any special preparation, but it is advisable to wipe off any cosmetics, creams or deodorants that have been applied to the skin or to arrive without applying them. Comparison with previous mammography images is particularly important, so please bring previous examination images and descriptions, as well as histological results and previous final reports, if available.

Private mammography: our examination packages at WMC

At the Wáberer Medical Center, you can choose from a variety of breast imaging diagnostic breast examinations. In addition to breast screening with mammography, we also offer complex breast examinations with breast ultrasound and breast MRI scans.

When you need immediate results - complex breast diagnostics

In which cases and with which complaints is complex breast diagnostics necessary and mammography breast screening not acceptable?

  • Breast pain
  • breast complaints
  • palpable lumps in the breast
  • nipple discharge, sores, unusual tenderness
  • indentation of the breast skin
  • family history, hereditary predisposition

Complex breast diagnostics is recommended for people over 35 years of age with or without complaints, with or without control.

In which cases is complex breast diagnostics necessary instead of breast MRI with contrast media?

Contrast-enhanced MRI is not a substitute for complex breast diagnostics, mammography and breast ultrasound.

However, after the above-mentioned examinations or on medical advice, we offer the possibility of additional contrast-enhanced breast MR examinations.

A full diagnosis of a contrast-enhanced breast MRI scan can only be made with the results of a preliminary examination. Thus, a complex breast examination, mammography, breast ultrasound is recommended.

In our centre, we can also organise a histological sampling for you, for which you will find information in the sampling section. If necessary, oncological consultation and even surgical interventions are possible.

Why choose complex breast diagnostics?

Our institute strives to use the most effective methods of examination, using the most modern equipment, which in the case of breast examinations means complex breast diagnostics. Complex breast examination includes tomosynthesis mammography, as well as physical examination and ultrasound scan with immediate results.

How is the test done?

Following the mammography/tomosynthesis scan, you will meet with our radiologist, who is experienced in breast examinations, who will evaluate the mammography/tomography images obtained, which will be supplemented with targeted images if necessary. He will then physically examine the breast and perform an ultrasound scan of the breast and lymph nodes. You can tell the radiologist your complaints and the doctor will answer your questions and give you information about what to do next.

The examination can also be performed if you have breast implants.


Preventive - mammography breast screening

Mammographic breast screening is recommended every two years for women over 35 years of age as a preventive measure. This screening is for those who have no complaints and have not had a screening within 1 year. The screening can also be performed if you have breast implants.

How is the test done?

Our assistant will palpate the breast and then take tomosynthesis mammography images. The breasts are compressed/compressed with a special plastic tool/plate for minimum periods of time. Contrary to misconceptions, the compression/compression used during the scan does not increase the risk of breast cancer. It may, however, cause discomfort during the test for those who are sensitive to it. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU BRING YOUR PREVIOUS RESULTS WITH YOU!

Please note that if no definitive opinion can be reached after a double specialist scan, you will be called back by telephone for further additional tests (e.g. ultrasound, targeted additional scans, sampling, or a combination of these). These tests are done to confirm or exclude the possibility of breast cancer with certainty. Recall does not mean that you have breast cancer.

Additional tests are not included in the cost of the breast screening and will be scheduled for you within 1 month. For patients who are recalled, all tests to clarify the lesion will be done within one day. Without additional examinations, a full report and opinion cannot be given!

How long does it take to obtain the mammogram result?

The results are sent out within 10 working days after the examination. If you want immediate results, we recommend a complex breast diagnostic examination! You can request your images by accessing our Patient Portal or on a USB device for an additional fee. A written assessment will be sent, if no other supplement is required. However, in the case of additional examinations, you will receive it only after they have been completed.

What happens if something abnormal is detected during the screening?

After both of the above mentioned examinations, we offer the possibility of further examinations in our institution, which may include additional imaging examinations, contrast breast MRI, UH, physical examinations, laboratory diagnostics, depending on which examinations have been performed so far.

We can also arrange histological sampling at our centre and our dedicated case manager will accompany you through the necessary surgical procedures, which will also be carried out at our institution.

Ultrasound scan of the breast

An ultrasound scan may be performed as an adjunct to a mammogram, or as a control, or possibly as an implant check. The radiologist physically examines the breast and performs an ultrasound scan of the breast and lymph nodes. You can tell the radiologist your complaints and the doctor will answer your questions during the examination, giving you information about what to do next. Below the age of 35, depending on the results, you may be advised to have a mammogram. After the age of 35, it is recommended only after mammograms have been taken within 1 year!

What happens if something abnormal is detected during the screening?

After both of the above-mentioned examinations, we offer the possibility of further examinations in our institution, which may include additional imaging tests, contrast-enhanced breast MRI, UH, physical examinations, laboratory diagnostics, depending on which have been performed so far.

We can also organise histological sampling for you at our centre, and our dedicated case manager will guide you through the necessary surgical procedures, which will be carried out at our centre.

Mammography private appointment, price

Mammography without a referral? Yes, it is possible at Wáberer Medical Center, where you can have a private mammogram in Budapest without waiting in line. Book an appointment for a mammogram or complex breast examination easily and simply, or call us at +36-1-323-7000 to be seen at our well-equipped clinic in Buda without a long wait.

Criteria for choosing the date of the study

Criteria for choosing the date of the study

This type of test can also be affected by the menstrual cycle, so it is best to have the test in the week after menstruation for best results.

Preparing for the test

No special preparation is required, it is advisable to wipe off any cosmetics, creams or deodorants that may have been applied to the skin or to arrive without applying them.


How is it tested?

How is it tested?

During the scan, our assistant will position you at the device to ensure the most optimal and effective breast imaging. To do this, the breasts will be compressed with a special plastic tool/flap for a minimum period of time. In one scan, both breasts are imaged from 2 directions, so a total of 4 compressions are performed. Contrary to misconceptions, the compression and squeezing used during the examination does not cause or increase the risk of breast cancer. It may cause discomfort during the test for those who are sensitive to it.

Our experts

Dr. Anett Szomják general radiologist Hungarian, English Doctors Hungarian, English language
Dr. Krisztina Barna radiologist Hungarian, Swedish, English Doctors Hungarian, Swedish, English language 10+ Patients 10+ from ages and up
Dr. Tímea Nagy radiologist specialist Hungarian, English Doctors Hungarian, English language 18+ Patients 18+ from ages and up
Dr. Lajos Jakab chief radiologist Hungarian Doctors Hungarian language 10 Patients 10 from ages and up


Komplex emlővizsgálat (tomoszintézises mammográfia, emlő ultrahang és szakorvosi fizikális vizsgálat) Azonnali eredményű, magában foglalja a mammográfiás és tomoszintézises felvételeket, az emlő ultrahang, valamint fizikális orvosi vizsgálatot. Ajánlott az emlőben tapintható csomók; az emlőbimbó váladékozása, sebesedése, szokatlan érzékenysége; az emlőállományának, a bőrének látható behúzódása; öröklésre való hajlam esetén. Előzmény mammográfiáinak képi és az emlővel kapcsolatos írásos leleteit kérjük hozza magával.
57 000 Ft
Emlődiagnosztikai konzultáció hozott leletek alapján Elkészült emlődiagnosztikai leleteivel mammográfus szakorvosi konzultáció és írásos javaslat készítése. Az elkészült képi anyagokkal (mammográfia, emlő MR, ultrahang ) és azok leírásaival érkezve nyújtunk lehetőséget elbeszélgetésre. A vizsgálat másodvéleményezésre, vagy egy leírt lelet felülbírálására terjed ki, hanem konzultációt biztosít a további teendők, szükséges vizsgálatokra vonatkozóan vagy kontrollokkal kapcsolatban. A konzultációs díj nem tartalmazza az esetlegesen felmerülő vizsgálati díjakat (kiegészítő célzott mammográfiás felvételek, emlő ultrahang, mintavételek).
39 800 Ft
Mammográfia szűrés (tomoszintézises mammográfia és asszisztensi fizikális vizsgálat) A vizsgálat kizárólag szűrés céljából, 35 év felett és korábbi negatív eredmények esetén végezhető. 1 éven belül nem ismételhető. Asszisztenis vizsgálatot követően, a kettős orvosi leolvasás eredménye 10 munkanapon belül készül el, de egyéb kiegészítő vizsgálat is felmerülhet, melyre visszahívjuk. Emlő panaszok, tapintható csomók, egyéb problémák esetén az azonnali eredményű komplex emlődiagnosztikát szükséges választani. Képi előzményeit hozza magával.
37 000 Ft
Kiegészítő mammográfiás vizsgálat (emlőultrahang után 2 hónapon belül) Az intézetünkben vagy orvosainknál készült emlő ultrahangot követően mammográfiás vizsgálatra lehet szükség, melyet azonnali konzultáció követ. Erre a vizsgálatra csak 2 hónapon belül kerülhet sor, egyéb esetben mammográfiás szűrésre vagy komplex emlődiagnosztikára van lehetőség a panaszok függvényében.
37 000 Ft Booking
Citológia - Diagnosztikus aspirációs/exfoliatív citológiai vizsgálat
35 000 Ft Booking
Emlő core biopszia A feltüntetett ár nem tartalmazza a szövettan díját.
44 000 Ft Booking
Emlő vékonytű biopszia (ultrahang vezérelt aspirációs citológia) A feltüntetett ár nem tartalmazza a citológia díját.
20 000 Ft Booking
Szövettan - Emlő core biopszia (egyoldali)
52 000 Ft Booking
Szövettan - Emlő core biopszia (kétoldali)
78 000 Ft Booking
Further prices Close

1123 Budapest,
Alkotás street 55-61.
+36 1 323 7000
  • Monday 06:30-20:00
  • Tuesday 06:30-20:00
  • Wednesday 06:30-20:00
  • Thursday 06:30-20:00
  • Friday 06:30-20:00
  • Saturday 07:00-14:00
