
Ct test information

Below we would like to give you information to prepare for the CT scan recommended by your doctor.

Please arrive at least 20 minutes earlier than the time you have been given to complete the declarations and make the necessary preparations.

Bring your CT scan medical referral form; or an outpatient sheet/report indicating the need for a CT scan in the region of interest.

We are not able to perform a radiological examination on your own request!

Please bring your medical records/images of your medical condition or previous examinations with you!

CT scan during pregnancy/suspected pregnancy is contraindicated!

Please observe the following prior to the contrast material examination:

Do not eat 4-6 hours before the scan, non-carbonated fluids are recommended.
You must stop taking your diabetes medication 48 hours before the test and may start taking it after 48 hours after the test.
Abdominal examinations should arrive approximately 1 to 1.5 hours before, due to the consumption of an oral contrast fluid.
What to expect?

You will spend up to 30 minutes in the examination room for a CT scan. After a contrast material scan, you will be here for 20-30 minutes for observation.

The use of contrast is essential for many of the examinations. The contrast agent is introduced into the vascular bed through a ‘branula’ provided in the pre-carotid artery.

You will receive further information on the paper consent form before the examination and from the diagnostic imaging staff in person.

Abdominal ultrasound test information

Below we would like to give you some information to help you prepare for an abdominal ultrasound scan.

Please arrive at least 20 minutes earlier than the time you have been given to complete the declarations and make the necessary preparations.

If you have a medical referral or an outpatient form/report, please make sure you bring it with you.

Please follow the instructions below prior to the abdominal ultrasound examination:

  • You must arrive for the examination on an empty stomach, which means that the last meal should be 6 hours before the examination
  • Only tap water or non-carbonated mineral water should be consumed
  • For better visibility of the abdominal and pelvic organs, a full bladder is required during the examination, so the last time you void your bladder is 2-3 hours before the examination
  • The bladder should not be emptied immediately before the examination

You will receive further information on the paper consent form and from our assistants in person before the test.

Information for the Hydrogen (H2) Exhalation Test

The H2 breath test requires preparation, compliance with which will determine the validity of the test.

Please consult your doctor before taking the test:

any medication you take regularly or intermittently
any recent or ongoing illness within 2 weeks before the test.

Antibiotic and lactose-containing medications will affect the results of the test. If you are taking lactose-containing medicines, your doctor may decide to suspend them. You must wait at least two weeks after taking antibiotics before the test result can be safely evaluated.

Please note that in order to ensure the results of the test, please follow the instructions below and call our Call Centre on +36 1323 7000 if you have any questions.

Do not ingest before the test:

  • antibiotics, probiotics within two weeks
  • Probiotics, no probiotics, no oral antibiotics, no antacids or any digestive medication
  • within two days prior to a probiotic, no antibiotics, no laxatives.

The day before the test

do not eat fruit, salads, vegetables, oilseeds, foods cooked in fats or oils, milk, dairy products, foods containing lactose, drinks containing alcohol
rice, potatoes, eggs, pasta, poultry, ha-lat (not canned); lactose-free margarine, cold cuts, sausages, white flour bakery products, non-carbonated water.
Eating after 7pm, no drinking after 9pm,
brush your teeth thoroughly in the evening.

Please do not eat, drink, use toothpaste or mouthwash, take any medication, chew gum, put anything in your mouth, smoke or use tobacco on the morning of the day of the test. Do not wear lipstick, lip gloss or perfume.

Please brush your teeth without toothpaste on the morning of the examination and do not swallow water.

The test takes 3 hours.

MRI examination information

Below we would like to provide you with information on how to prepare for an MR scan recommended by your doctor/ or at your own request.

Please arrive at least 20 minutes earlier than the time you have been given to complete the declarations and make the necessary preparations.

We recommend that you have a specialist examination and consultation prior to an examination at your own request, which can also be arranged at our centre by appointment and for an additional fee. You may need a non-MR examination. It may also be that the part of the body (region of the examination) you want to have examined is not the one you need. Our institute cannot be held liable for any damage resulting from a client’s unprofessional instruction as to the region of examination if, despite a warning, he requests an examination of a part of the body which does not correspond to the region of examination and the examination procedure required to detect the lesions which actually explain the complaint!

Also bring your MR examination referral for a native MR examination; or an outpatient sheet/final report indicating the need for MR examination and the region concerned!
We are not able to perform a contrast material examination on your own request! Please bring your medical records/images of your medical condition or previous examination with you!

MR-scan in the first trimester of pregnancy/suspected pregnancy is contraindicated! Contrast medium administration is contraindicated during the entire period of pregnancy!

You may enter the MR examination room only with a documented metal device, which you should bring with you, certifying your suitability for MR examination.

Please observe the following instructions prior to the contrast agent examination:

  • Do not eat 4 hours before the examination, drink non-carbonated fluids, it is recommended.
  • Any medication for diabetes should be stopped 48 hours before the test and can be started after 48 hours after the test.
  • Abdominal enterography – should arrive approximately 1 to 1.5 hours before the abdominal enterography – due to the consumption of an oral contrast fluid. It is advisable to be accompanied.

What can you expect?
You will spend approximately 30 minutes per region in the examination room for MR scans. Contrast media examinations are longer than this, and you will need to spend 20-30 minutes here after administration for observation.

For certain examinations, the use of contrast media is essential (e.g. sella..). The contrast agent is injected into the vascular bed through a “branula” provided in the pre-carotid vein. You will receive further information on the paper consent form before the examination and from the diagnostic imaging staff in person.

Heart ct test information

Below we would like to give you information on how to prepare for a cardiac/cardiological diagnostic (CT) scan recommended by your doctor.
On the day of your scan, please follow these instructions:

Do not drink any beverages containing caffeine (e.g. coffee, green tea…),
avoid stress,
Do not engage in sports activities.

Before the test:

  • Don’t eat 4-6 hours before the test, drink non-carbonated fluids, it’s worth it.
  • You should stop taking your diabetes medication 48 hours before the test and you can start taking it after 48 hours after the test.
  • It is advisable to have your chest hair removed at home to avoid the inconvenience of shaving on the spot.

Arrive at least 30 minutes early for the examination to complete the declarations and make the necessary preparations.

What can you expect?

  • You will spend approximately 30 minutes in the examination room for a CT scan. After the scan, you will need to spend 20-30 minutes here for observation.
  • The scan will be performed in the presence of a supervising doctor and assistant who may decide on the administration of certain medications, if necessary, depending on your condition.
  • ECG electrodes placed on your chest will monitor the function of your heart for the duration of the test.
  • The use of contrast is essential for many of the tests.

The contrast agent is injected into the blood vessel through a pre-inserted branch in the carotid artery, which, once injected, will give you a metallic, bitter taste in the mouth and a warmth/hotness throughout the body.

Dobutamine stress echocardiography

Below we would like to give you some brief information to help you prepare for the drug-assisted stress echocardiogram test recommended by your doctor. A detailed description of the test is given in the document “Cardiac echocardiography with drug-induced stress – Patient information and consent form”.

Please follow the instructions below before the test:

  • Do not eat 2 hours before the test, but drink a small amount of non-carbonated fluids.
  • You must be accompanied by an escort.
  • Do not take any beta-blocker medication for 48 hours before the test. Ask your doctor/physician for help with this.
  • Arrive 30 minutes before your appointment time to complete the declarations and make the necessary preparations.

What can you expect?
Before the examination, a cannula will be placed in the forearm in a separate room, through which you will receive the medicine (dubutamine) and, if necessary, the contrast medium developed for the ultrasound. The examination will be performed by a licensed cardiologist and a specialist assistant and will take about 40-45 minutes. You will need to lie on your left side during the scan to obtain the ultrasound images of your heart, at rest and with the dose of the medicine increased every 3 minutes. The aim is to increase your heart rate up to a pre-set target using the medicine. If the desired heart rate is not reached at the maximum dose, you may need to take an additional medicine (Atropine) or muscle work (e.g. leg lifts, squeezing a small ball). We will also give you a contrast agent (SonoVue) developed for ultrasound at certain intervals to achieve the best possible image quality. We will monitor your heart rate, blood pressure and blood oxygen saturation throughout the scan. An ECG will be recorded at the beginning and end of the test.

The test is painless, but you may experience mild drug-induced symptoms, such as a pounding heartbeat, tremors or dizziness. These will disappear immediately after the test is finished.

What to do after the test:

At the end of the test, the scans will be re-scanned and a report will be prepared. You will wait in the corridor or in another examination room. The cannula will be taken out of your arm after discussing the findings.
After the examination, you can eat, drink and take your usual medicines, unless the doctor tells you otherwise.
If you have also had to take a medicine called Atropine, you will not be allowed to drive that day, so it is important that if you are driving, you bring a companion who can drive!

Information leaflet for the Helicobacter sputum test

Please note that it is not recommended to take antibiotics or bismuth-containing medicines for 1 month before the Helicobacter test, or to take antacids 1 week before the test.

A vizsgálatot éhgyomorra végezzük, így a vizsgálat előtt enni, inni, fogat mosni, cigarettázni, rágózni nem szabad.

Tájékoztatjuk, hogy a Helicobacter teszt sugárterheléssel járó vizsgálat, amelynek során a szervezetbe C14 szén-izotóp kerül. Ez a természetben előforduló radioaktív izotóp megtalálható a levegőben és az emberi szervezetben is. A vizsgálat során a pácienst érő sugárterhelés mértéke megegyezik a környezeti háttérsugárzásból 24 óra alatt szerzett sugárterheléssel. Ez nagyságrendekkel kisebb, mint például egy fogászati röntgen során szerzett sugárterhelés; mérhető kockázatot nem jelent.

A Helicobacter test is not recommended:

  • pregnant women
  • who have had part or all of their stomach removed
  • People under 18 years of age.

In such cases, the doctor will weigh up the risks and benefits and decide whether to perform the test.

During breastfeeding, breastfeeding should be discontinued for two days after the test.

If you have any questions, please call our Call Centre on +36 1323 7000.

Patient information leaflets

1123 Budapest,
Alkotás street 55-61.
+36 1 323 7000
  • Monday 06:30-20:00
  • Tuesday 06:30-20:00
  • Wednesday 06:30-20:00
  • Thursday 06:30-20:00
  • Friday 06:30-20:00
  • Saturday 07:00-14:00
