In our institution, the following options are available:
If there has been no previous surgery in the lower abdomen, the sigmoid colon is removed by laparoscopic (laparoscopic) surgery. A laparoscope is a thin tube with a camera at the end, which is used to navigate around the abdomen and view the abdomen. We make 3-4 small incisions, through which the instruments are inserted, the sigmoid colon is lifted from the posterior abdominal wall along with the potentially affected lymph nodes and lymphatics, and then through a small incision the bowel is lifted to the level of the abdominal wall and removed. The continuity of the intestine is restored by suturing.
Sometimes the lesion cannot be safely removed by laparoscopic technique, in which case we switch to open abdominal surgery. Sometimes, on the basis of the findings, the intestinal segments cannot be safely reconciled, so the retained colon is temporarily passed through an opening in the abdominal wall to the abdominal wall, forming a so-called stoma (guest opening). After the operation, the stool is emptied into a stoma bag that can be fixed to the abdominal wall. If possible, the healed bowel segments can be fused at a later date during another operation.
After the removal of the sigmoid colon, it is important to follow the recommended diet. During your appointment, your dietitian will explain the dietary restrictions in detail and you can ask any questions you may have. The diet is recommended to be followed for 2-3 months after surgery.
As with all major abdominal operations, sigmoidctomy increases the risk of deep vein thrombosis and consequent pulmonary embolism, so we recommend wearing lower limb compression stockings and a low molecular weight heparin for 10 days after the operation.
After laparoscopic surgery, physical exertion is not recommended for 1-2 weeks, but the integrity of the abdominal wall structures is preserved and can be gradually returned to normal afterwards.
During abdominal incision surgery, the abdominal muscles and connective tissue skeleton are also transected, so physical sparing is recommended for 6-8 weeks after surgery.