The benefits of regular exercise have long been known: it reduces the risk of and the chances of developing cardiovascular disease. Regular exercise helps to lose weight, improves stamina, increases bone strength , helps relieve stress and has a positive effect on sleep quality. But without intensive exercise, preventive testing and preparation, it can be harmful and even dangerous.
Sudden cardiac deaths during sporting activity are becoming increasingly common in professional and even amateur athletes over the age of 35, and to prevent this, professional athletes should undergo regular sports cardiology check-ups. Inherited or acquired myocardial and ion channel diseases are virtually asymptomatic, but can cause fatal cardiac arrhythmias during sporting activity if not properly investigated. For elite athletes, newcomers and those with cardiovascular risk factors, sports cardiology screening is essential.
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The check-up includes a 12-lead ECG to detect arrhythmias and specific ECG abnormalities that may indicate myocardial disease.