We have built Hungary’s newest private gynaecology centre on a 21st century diagnostic background, an efficient patient management protocol and a high level of specialised medical expertise. It is important to us that our patients receive an accurate diagnosis in a short time and start the right treatment with the right specialist as soon as possible.
WOMAN. For some it's a mystery. For us, it's a vocation.Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women under 45.
Cervical cancer can be prevented, but it requires modern and professional screening methods. In 2010, it was clearly shown that cervical cancer is linked to an infection with a virus, the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Detection of HPV infection is possible. Incidence – per year?
The sampling procedure is the same as the traditional cell smear method. The test is painless and can be performed accurately in a short time. It is important to note that cervical screening is age specific.
Under 30 years of age, conventional cell smear is recommended because, although HPV infection is high in this age range, the risk of developing a pre-cancerous condition associated with infection is low. Above the age of 30, the risk of developing precancerous conditions associated with HPV infection increases and HPV-based screening is recommended. As not all HPV infections cause pre-cancerous cervical conditions, patients who are confirmed to have HPV infection will have further diagnostic tests performed on the same sample to determine whether they are at risk of cervical cancer. We now have the possibility, in patients at risk as a result of screening, to perform additional advanced diagnostic methods (colposcopy, biomarker testing) to detect pre-cancerous lesions quickly and accurately. This allows our patients to receive the appropriate therapeutic intervention in time, preventing the development of true cervical cancer.
The screening test is painless and can be performed accurately in a short time.
While bee cancer used to be a disease of the elderly, nowadays a type of the disease also affects younger people.
It can rarely be detected in the pre-cancerous stage, but if there is abnormal bleeding or a blood disorder, the possibility of uterine cancer should be considered. A simple method of diagnosis is available, which does not require anaesthesia, specialist hospital care, can be performed in an outpatient clinic and is as reliable as conventional medical curettage. Of course, it may also be necessary to carry out a “medicine scraping” in cases where
in cases where the bleeding is so severe that it can only be temporarily corrected by complete removal of the uterine lining. This procedure is also painless and can be performed under a short anaesthetic. In the case of age-related bleeding disorders – bleeding after more than 1 year after the last menstrual period – histological sampling is mandatory, because the patient’s chances of recovery are improved by timely
gynaecological surgery in time.
A patient’s chance of recovery is determined by timely gynaecological surgery.
When ovarian cancer is discovered, more than 70% of cases are found in an advanced stage that has already spread beyond the initial organ. Nevertheless, 15% of this cancer can be detected at a very early stage, in time. In this group, an inherited genetic defect is involved. In these patients, it is possible to perform advanced screening tests that can detect the disease even at pre-cancerous stages.
These screening tests are painless and thorough in the hands of a trained examiner. One of the key factors in the cure of ovarian cancer is early detection of the disease within the ovaries. We recommend frequent and appropriate screening of patients with a genetic defect in ovarian cancer, as this is the best way to cure the disease.
Today’s modern screening tests can detect the disease even at a pre-cancerous stage.