wáberer medical center Surgical Center 220+ roboticassisted
10 4 25 000+ Qualified
Specialization Surgical
92 Surgeries 1 560+ Annual

Surgical Center

Modern approach, outstanding expertise

The surgical center at Wáberer Medical Center is based of a team composition of multidisciplinary members, covering a wide spectrum of surgical specialists. The Center’s main surgical specities are: thyroid surgery, breast surgery, general abdominal surgery, hernia surgery, colon surgery, oncology, proctology and general outpatient surgery.

Continuity and availability

For the patients awaiting for surgery we provide a personalized treatment plan which is planned by the surgical team at regular meetings – so called MDT Team meetings. The advantages of these sessions are that the doctors can create the treatment plan based on the joint opinions of several perspectives.

Thyroid Breast Breast surgery Thyroid surgery Skin and
subcutaneous lesions
Colon Lipoma removal Abdomen Gall bladder Hernia Inguinal Hernia Rectum Proctology Move the cursor to the area you want to learn more about!

In harmony with technology and science

Our institution is prepared to provide complex patient journeys and safe healthcare. The available modern technological background of the Surgery Center – such as CT, MR, ultrasound, da Vinci X surgical robot, 4K laparoscopy, ICG and infrared imaging – ensures top-quality, efficient and safe care.

Safety at Wáberer Medical Center’s Surgical Center

All of our surgical results are registered and checked during regular internal audits to ensure continuous high-quality patient care. Our specialists are all experts in their respective fields, and qualified with international accreditations. Our surgeons have a wide range of availability at Wáberer Medical Center, so our patients can feel safe during their treatment.

surgeon, plastic surgeon,
breast surgeon specialist
Dr. Orsolya Ping surgeon,
hernia specialist
Dr. Dániel Czeller surgeon, European oncologist, Head of surgical profile surgeon,
hernia specialist
Dr. Zsolt Dubóczki surgeon, robotic surgeon,
colon specialist
Dr. Bernadett Lévay, FEBS Dr. Tamás Hidas Dr. Tamás Sztipits, FEBS surgeon, plastic surgeon
thyroid specialist
Our surgeons

Dr. Beáta Sántha Dr. Attila Zaránd, PhD surgeon,
proctologist specialist
otorhinolaryngologist, head and neck surgeon,
thyroid specialist
proctologist specialist
Dr. Csaba Mikes

Robotassisted surgerys Részletek
1123 Budapest,
Alkotás street 55-61.
+36 1 323 7000
  • Monday 06:30-20:00
  • Tuesday 06:30-20:00
  • Wednesday 06:30-20:00
  • Thursday 06:30-20:00
  • Friday 06:30-20:00
  • Saturday 07:00-14:00
