In April and May, we will deduct the cost of a specialist examination if your operation is completed by 30 June 2024. Hernia Surgeries

When does a hernia occur?

Most commonly the hernias occur at the abdominal wall  The vast majority of abdominal hernias are effected at the groin region, other areas can be umbilical hernia or the area around the navel, hernias caused by previous surgical procedures or areas near the pelvis.

In some families it’s more common that in others, therefore these can be genetic based, but such conditions as smoking, obesity or pregnancy can increase the risk of hernia formation. 

Why is it required to repair a hernia?

In most cases the formation of the hernia comes with shooting, stabbing, dull or tension sensations. Along with the pain an abdominal lump can appear at the impacted area. In some cases, the patient cannot feel any abdominal pain at all. The size of the bulge can increase when intense activity is involved. The content of the hernia is usually replaceable through the hernia gate to the abdominal cavity. Without any treatment the danger of hernia exclusion can appear.   

During an exclusion the hernia content cannot recover to the abdominal cavity which can cause the decrease of blood supply in the intestinal track. As the result of these events an emergency can happen which can only be treated with urgent surgery.  

MORE INFORMATION Open Abdominal hernia surgery MORE INFORMATION Hasfali sérv - laparoszkópos műtét MORE INFORMATION Open Umbilical Hernia Surgery MORE INFORMATION Laparoscopic Umbilical Hernia Repair Surgery MORE INFORMATION Lágyéksérv - nyitott műtét MORE INFORMATION Laparoscopic inguinal hernia surgery Hernia surgeries Mi történik a lipoma eltávolítás során?

Our experts

Dr. Czeller Dániel általános sebész szakorvos magyar, angol Doctors magyar, angol language 18+ Patients 18+ from ages and up
Dr. Hidas Tamás sebész szakorvos, sérvspecialista magyar, angol, német Doctors magyar, angol, német language 15+ Patients 15+ from ages and up
1123 Budapest,
Alkotás street 55-61.
+36 1 323 7000
  • Monday 06:30-20:00
  • Tuesday 06:30-20:00
  • Wednesday 06:30-20:00
  • Thursday 06:30-20:00
  • Friday 06:30-20:00
  • Saturday 07:00-14:00
