Cardio CT, Coronary CT scan

Cardio CT scans are used to examine the coronary arteries, either as a preventive measure or to detect many unclear cardiological symptoms.

The purpose of a coronary CT scan is to

To detect atherosclerosis in the coronary arteries at an early stage with high accuracy, allowing the timely initiation of targeted therapy to prevent heart attacks.

Coronary artery disease affects many people and in many cases the first sign of the disease is acute myocardial infarction or sudden cardiac death. Unfortunately, the widely used exercise ECG in our country does not reliably predict these abnormalities, but coronary CT scanning is an excellent tool for imaging and assessing fat and calcium-containing plaques deposited in the inner walls of blood vessels. These deposits cause vasoconstriction and consequently a reduction in blood supply to the myocardium, a lack of oxygen and, in severe cases, its death. Because deposits can develop unnoticed for decades, even without warning symptoms, early detection can increase the chance of survival.

Before a coronary CT scan, we recommend a specialist cardiology examination, as it is only performed on the advice of a specialist.

A koronária CT vizsgálat alkalmas a koszorúerek állapotának felmérésére.

Who is a Cardio CT scan recommended for?

The test is necessary if the patient

  • has chest pain that has not been previously investigated
  • a family history of myocardial infarction.
  • patients at low to moderate cardiovascular risk
  • in valve disease as part of pre-operative investigations
  • as a periodic control test

Prerequisites for coronary CT scanning

The use of iodinated contrast media and compliance with the instructions below are essential for coronary CT scanning:

  • If allergic to iodinated contrast material, the scan should not be performed
  • renal function results within 2 weeks are required to allow for proper selection of the contrast agent
  • discontinue oral anti-diabetic/antidiabetic medication 2 days before and after the test
  • do not skip any other medicines
  • do not eat for 4-6 hours before the test
  • you can drink water, but not caffeine-containing drinks (coffee, green tea, energy drinks) because of their stimulating effect on the test
  • do not exercise on the day of the test, avoid stress

If the patient has limited renal function and/or is sensitive to contrast media, their use should be avoided if appropriate. Therefore, a renal function laboratory test is recommended up to one week before the test. The specialist will decide whether to perform a native study with contrast or without it, taking into account the risks. The latter is less effective but free from the risk of contrast media.

What should you expect during the test?

The CT scan is painless. Blood pressure and pulse are taken first before the scan. To achieve an optimal pulse, pre-treatment with medication (beta blockers) for a short period of time is needed, and vasodilator medication is also used. The test is performed with the ECG electrodes placed on the chest, in the supine position, with breathing instructions. An iodine contrast agent will be injected to check the condition of the heart and the coronary arteries surrounding the heart, the thickness of the vessel walls, any deposits in the blood vessels, for which a vein will be provided in the arm. The CT scanner takes images in slices smaller than millimetres while the heart is working, so it is important to follow the instructions given and to remain still.

The drugs used can lead to low blood pressure, which can manifest as dull headaches and dizziness. Do not worry, these symptoms will subside and disappear within a few minutes.

Once the results of the test are known, the cardiologist can decide on medication or other therapy.

A koronária CT vizsgálathoz vesefunkció labor elkészítése szükséges.

Make an appointment for a coronary CT scan with the excellent specialists at Wáberer Medical Center, or call us at +36-1-323-7000 to have your scan done at our well-equipped clinic in Buda without a long wait.

1123 Budapest,
Alkotás street 55-61.
+36 1 323 7000
  • Monday 06:30-20:00
  • Tuesday 06:30-20:00
  • Wednesday 06:30-20:00
  • Thursday 06:30-20:00
  • Friday 06:30-20:00
  • Saturday 07:00-14:00
