Lumbar spine MR scan

Lumbar spine MR scan / Lumbar spine MR scan

MRI is one of the most advanced imaging techniques currently in use. It uses a strong magnetic field to produce detailed images of the body parts being examined in several directions. In addition to assessing the bone structure and stability of the lumbar spine, lumbar spine MRI scans are the most reliable and detailed procedures for examining the spinal cord, vertebrae, discs, facet joints and spinal nerves. It is excellent for examining the lowest part of the spinal column. This section above the pelvis is known as the lumbar region.

A lumbalis gerinc MR vizsgálat pontos képet ad a beteg ágyéki gerincoszlopának állapotáról.

When is a lumbar spine MR scan used?

Lumbar spine MR scans may be recommended by neurologists, orthopaedic specialists and rheumatologists. It is recommended in cases of leg numbness, limb weakness, loss of sensation in the limbs, spinal stenosis, lumbar spinal stenosis. The test is used to assess the condition of herniated discs, small joint lesions, vertebrae, nerve roots running down. Lesions of the lower part of the spine can even cause urinary problems.

The spinal column not only supports the trunk, it is also where the motor and sensory pathways, i.e. the motor and sensory pathways and nerves, run. These can also be damaged. This can cause numbness and muscle weakness in the legs. Sensation can also be affected, for example, we can hardly feel when someone touches us.

These symptoms can be caused by many different conditions and problems:

  • disc herniation
  • degenerative spinal lesions
  • arthritis
  • narrowing of the nerve root canal
  • spinal cord spondylolisthesis, tumours

Key facts about the lumbar spine MR scan

An MR scan is a painless test. The scan is not usually a problem for patients with claustrophobia, as you can slide your feet forward towards the tube. In the case of low back pain, the supine position and the immobility that is essential during the test can cause discomfort, but a pillow under the leg can make this more comfortable.

The device is accompanied by a loud clicking noise that does not cause hearing loss, and earplugs can be used to reduce the discomfort.

The test takes 20-25 minutes.

Contrast-enhanced tests are usually performed on request by a doctor in cases of spinal cord involvement, tumours, after surgery or in the case of certain suspected inflammatory conditions.

The screws and metals of the lumbar spine, if they are MR compatible, allow the examination, but the possibility of distortion due to the metal produced makes it advisable to consult the doctor who will be performing the evaluation.

Lumbar spine MR scan with contrast agent

A contrast agent is a substance that is injected intravenously into the bloodstream, and good or bad malignant lesions that occupy space can be assessed with the help of the MR equipment. In most cases, a so-called native scan without contrast is sufficient, but in some situations the specialist may decide that the use of contrast is justified. Previous allergy to iodine contrast media does not exclude the use of MR contrast media.

Caution should be exercised when using contrast media. Impaired renal function does not allow its use. The contrast agent requires a renal function laboratory within 2 weeks and it should be noted that it can only be used if the eGFR is above 45. Preparation is also required for the use of contrast agents, as metformin-containing diabetes drugs should be discontinued 2 days before and after the test, and a 4-6 hour fasting period is required before the test.

Az ágyéki gerinc MR vizsgálat nagyjából fél óráig tart.

When should MR tests not be used?

MRI is basically harmless and has no side effects. However, in certain cases it is contraindicated:

  • Metals in the body during surgery or otherwise do not always allow the scan. Earrings and body jewellery may also be removed.
  • In the first trimester of pregnancy, due to the strong magnetic field, no. In other cases, only with the support of an obstetrician and on medical advice.
  • Due to weight and size limitations, the device is not suitable for use above 150 kg and is limited for use above 130 kg.
  • significant spinal pain does not always allow the test to be carried out. It is advisable to be prepared with pain medication.
  • In case of complete paralysis or immobility, please take into account the limitations. We are able to transport patients to the examination room by transfer to a wheelchair, so if manual transport is the only feasible option, you should arrive with adequate assistance.

Make an appointment for a lumbar spine MRI scan with the excellent specialists at Wáberer Medical Center or call us at +36-1-323-7000 to have your scan performed at our well-equipped clinic in Buda without a long wait.

1123 Budapest,
Alkotás street 55-61.
+36 1 323 7000
  • Monday 06:30-20:00
  • Tuesday 06:30-20:00
  • Wednesday 06:30-20:00
  • Thursday 06:30-20:00
  • Friday 06:30-20:00
  • Saturday 07:00-14:00
