Welcome to
Wáberer Cardiology Centre!

We have built Hungary’s newest private cardiac centre on a 21st century diagnostic background, an efficient patient management protocol and a high level of specialised medical expertise. Our goal is to tame the cardiological risks that affect many in our country, such as high blood pressure, coronary artery disease and heart rhythm disorders, into treatable problems. It’s important to us that people who come to us get an accurate diagnosis in a short time and start the right treatment with the right specialist as soon as possible.
Your heart is our heart – contact us with confidence!

Cardiology Outpatient Clinics

Chest Pain Outpatient Clinic

To determine the cause of sudden onset of chest pain, to rule out coronary artery disease or to investigate it immediately.

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Arrhythmia Outpatient Clinic

To identify heart rhythm disorders and complaints. For untested palpitations, palpitations, palpitations.

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Pacemaker/ICD Ambulancia

For those who need or already have a heart rate regulator.

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Sports cardiology

For cardiological risk screening of active athletes or those planning to take up or restart sport.

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Pregnancy and Heart Disease Outpatient Clinic

For women with circulatory and heart problems who are planning to have children.

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Adult Congenital Heart Disease Outpatient Clinic

In case of inherited or congenital problems, to continue cardiological follow-up in childhood

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Paediatric Cardiology

In the paediatric cardiology department, congenital heart defects and acquired heart diseases are diagnosed and treated.
Children are treated from newborn to 18 years of age.

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Unique private cardiology services

appointment within 1 week

I am sure that many patients in your private practice also present with a complaint of atrial fibrillation, which requires electrical cardioversion. Until now, this has not been available in private care in Hungary, which is why we have created the following services.

Electrical cardioversion is always performed under general anaesthesia, in the presence of an anaesthesiologist and an electrophysiology specialist, with the involvement of an imaging cardiologist if necessary.

Cardioversion (DCCV) under general anaesthesia

If your patient has been successfully anticoagulated for 4 weeks…

TEE guided cardioversion under general anaesthesia (DCCV)

If your patient needs to recover from arrhythmia as soon as possible or has not completed 4 weeks of effective anticoagulation therapy…

Cardiac CT followed by cardioversion under general anaesthesia (DCCV)

If your patient needs rapid rhythm restoration or has not had 4 weeks of successful anticoagulation treatment and you want to rule out coronary artery disease or plan to perform PV isolation in the future, you can…

Our special
diagnostic services

Rely on a high level of specialised medical expertise and a 21st century diagnostic background for cardiological examinations

At Wáberer Medical Center, we believe in 21st century solutions: compared to the previously used stress ECG, we offer a more reliable method, the coronary CT scan, to rule out coronary artery disease.

Cardiology screening packages

cardiology screening

For everyone who lives with cardiovascular risks.

cardiology screening

For new-onset hypertension or arrhythmia.

cardiology screening

Chest pain, untested, persistent complaints and a family history of heart attack.

The most common cardiological problems

  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Heart rhythm disorder
  • Heart failure
  • Heart valve faults

Heart diseases and tests

Learn about common problems of the heart and vascular system and their significance. We also show you what the different tests mean and why they are important!

Good news for heart patients: more accurate diagnosis with this new device

After the ECG or 24-hour Holter monitor used so far, the long-term Holter monitor will soon be available, making it much easier to screen patients for heart problems in the future. Unlike the traditional device, the new monitor can be worn undetected for up to 7 days and can even be used for exercise, but its biggest advantage is that it can effectively detect hidden, less frequent complaints. According to Dr. Márton Vértesaljai , a specialist in internal medicine and cardiology at the Wáberer Cardiology Centre, the new device could play an important role in prevention and even more accurate diagnosis.

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How to look after your heart health

At the Wáberer Cardiology Centre, you will find state-of-the-art examination methods, diagnostic equipment, a well-equipped laboratory and dedicated, highly qualified specialists.
Based on the problems and risk factors identified during a thorough examination, we will determine the best therapeutic solutions for your long-term health.

If necessary, we will also consult with trained specialists in 30 other specialties at Wáberer Medical Center to help you recover.

We welcome both those seeking screening for preventive purposes or for family-general risk factors, those seeking rapid diagnosis and effective treatment for new or long-standing conditions, and those already diagnosed patients who choose modern and convenient private care.

We perform the most important laboratory tests and ECG in-house. We have the equipment you need for Holter testing and 24-hour blood pressure monitoring at home, and you don’t have to go to another facility for an ultrasound scan, coronary CT, cardiac CT or special cardiac MR.
Our diagnostic tests can be scheduled within 24 hours.


Dobutamin stressz szívultrahang vizsgálat the solutions that are best for your long-term health

For our adult patients who have had a coronavirus infection, we have put together a post-covid package to help you decide whether you have made a full recovery. Now you can get it at a discounted price! Részletek

Post-covid screening package for child athletes and elite athletes.Learn more

The most common cardiovascular diseases

High blood pressure

Hypertension can be detected in 80 percent of heart diseases. Hypertension can be a primary condition caused by a combination of factors (e.g. genetic predisposition, lifestyle factors) or a secondary symptom of an accompanying disease (thyroid or kidney disease). If left untreated, high blood pressure can lead to myocardial thickening and heart failure, excessive strain and weakening of the blood vessel walls (aneurysms, strokes), but can also cause overload in many parts of the body.

Coronary heart disease

The narrowing of the coronary arteries, which are responsible for the supply of oxygen to the heart, is caused by plaques on the arterial wall, which can grow over years or decades, eventually shrinking, narrowing or blocking. The narrowed vessel is unable to deliver enough oxygen to the heart muscle, a condition that can lead to arrhythmia and eventually heart attack. The most common symptom is chest pain behind the sternum. If you hear of vasoconstriction or atherosclerosis, it is most likely a blockage in the coronary artery.

Heart rhythm disorder

A heart rhythm that is faster (tachycardia), slower (bradycardia) or irregular compared to normal is called arrhythmia. In the latter case, there may be an extra heartbeat mixed in with the normal rhythm or a skipped beat. This may be caused by damage to the heart muscle, but can also occur in an intact heart muscle. In most cases, the arrhythmia is not noticeable and is detected during a specialist examination, but in some cases it can include chest pain, chest tremors, breathlessness, a palpable fast or slow heartbeat and dizziness.

Heart failure

Various heart disorders (e.g. high blood pressure, coronary heart disease) sap the heart's strength, so a weakened heart cannot deliver enough blood to the organs. This problem is chronic, requiring constant monitoring and treatment, and affects one in ten people over the age of 65. Because it typically occurs as a consequence of other circulatory problems, it also develops slowly. Typical symptoms include general physical weakness, reduced activity, loss of appetite, sudden weight gain and irregular heartbeat.

Heart valve faults

In the heart, the heart valves are located at the junction of the atria and ventricles and at the origin of the large blood vessels, and regulate the flow of blood between the heart chambers. If these valves, which act as valves, do not close properly or are severely constricted, i.e. they block the flow of blood even when open, they cause problems in the circulation. There are many forms of congenital and acquired heart valve disorders, but there are also a number of effective medical and surgical treatments (valve implantation, dilatation, valve replacement).

Congenital heart disease

Patients over 18 years of age with congenital heart disease require additional regular specialised follow-up throughout their lives. Regardless of the type of disease, the most common late problems are arrhythmias and heart failure. But as an adult, issues that affect daily life and lifestyle, such as sport, contraception, having children and employment, also require consultation and medical help.

Pregnancy and heart disease

For women with suspected heart disease, high blood pressure or heart disease, cardiology-related antenatal care is important from the planning of the baby to its birth.

Our Diagnostic Toolkit

The Wáberer Cardiology Center is constantly striving to use the most modern tools and diagnostic methods available. In addition to procedures based on the latest findings, we also use state-of-the-art imaging and cardiological testing tools to lay the foundation for prevention and treatment. Thanks to our skilled diagnostic specialists, tests are not only fast and highly accurate, but also convenient for our patients and with the least possible discomfort. There is no waiting list at our clinic, and our examinations are scheduled within 24 hours.

The most common types of cardiological tests

Specialist medical consultation

Although talking to a specialist may not seem like part of the investigation, it is one of the most important sources of diagnostic information. With the right set of questions, the doctor can easily find out the medical history and symptoms, and from our answers and a quick visual inspection, he can draw a number of conclusions about the diagnostic pathway to follow to determine exactly what cardiovascular problem we are facing after our complaint.

Laboratory tests

After the traditional blood test, the blood samples are sent to the Wáberer Cardiology Centre's own laboratory, where they can be analysed for a range of cardiovascular problems. Analyses of triglycerides, trace elements, blood sugar, cholesterol and thyroid function can not only highlight existing problems, but can also reveal developing lesions and risks that could cause problems later on.

Cardiac ultrasound

Echocardiography or echocardiography is the cardiological version of the familiar ultrasound scan. Ultrasound shows a live moving image of the beating heart and can reveal the anatomy of the heart and large blood vessels, but it can also examine the function and integrity of the left ventricle, the fluid in the pericardium, tumours in the heart or other lesions.

12-lead ECG

An ECG or electrocardiogram is one of the most common and useful diagnostic procedures to find out how the heart is working. It can be used to detect cardiac arrhythmias and diseases affecting the heart, but also to identify general diseases affecting the whole body. A 12-lead ECG means that it can show the electrical activity of the heart from 12 different angles, giving a comprehensive picture of the number of beats per minute, the regularity of the heartbeat, the thickness of the chambers of the heart, and the formation and conduction of blood vessels.

24-hour ABPM (vérnyomásmérés)

ABPM (ambulatory blood pressure monitoring), or 24-hour blood pressure monitoring, helps to establish an accurate diagnosis of hypertension by allowing the comparison and fluctuation of blood pressure values during the day and night, at rest or at work, in the patient's normal lifestyle. This test will decide which antihypertensive drugs may be needed. The device takes 10 minutes to fit and you can then go about your daily activities. During the test, it is recommended that you keep a diary of your activities, including when you have been more active, when you have been under stress, and if you have had any complaints. The test is painless, but the cuff inflation may cause some discomfort and tightness, which may disturb your sleep at night. The test requires the patient to wear a body-mounted mobile blood pressure monitor for 24 hours.

Holter monitor (heart rate disturbance analysis)

The 24-hour Holter test is an ECG that records heart function data over 24, 48 or 72 hours of normal life. It is most useful when, despite symptoms suggesting heart problems, it is difficult to determine the cause with a single ECG test. Once the device is fitted, you can resume your daily activities without interruption. The small machine attached to the body continuously records the heart's electrical signals, which are evaluated by the specialist afterwards and can see any abnormalities over a longer period of time. The test is performed using a device consisting of 5 pins and a small radio-sized device. The pins (electrodes) are glued to the chest, while the device can be hung around the neck. If you experience discomfort or heart palpitations during the day, you can press the button on the device, which is designed for this purpose. During the test, it is recommended to keep an event diary in which daily activities (walking, stress, eating, activities requiring increased physical activity) are recorded with precise time stamps.

Heart MR

Of all the imaging procedures that do not involve radiation exposure, this can give the most detailed picture of the condition of the heart muscle, the valves, and the blood vessels supplying and draining the heart. It can also help identify lesions in the pericardium and myocardium, but after a heart attack or in suspected heart failure, it can be used to assess exactly how much power the at-risk or damaged heart can deliver and what therapies can be used to help.


The coronary arteries carry oxygen-rich blood to the heart for the heart muscles to function, and if they become narrowed by deposits or plaques, the oxygen supply to the heart can quickly become weak. A 20-minute CT scan provides detailed images of the anatomy of these blood vessels and the heart, so it can provide information about vasoconstriction and the resulting loss of capacity long before the disease shows any noticeable symptoms. It can therefore also help to prevent a possible heart attack.

What can we do for you?

The health of the heart determines every moment of life.

The Wáberer Cardiology Centre was created so that you never have to miss out on the best moments. Our aim is to use the latest medical technology, diagnostic tools and expertise to keep you healthy, detect risks and, if a problem arises, find the most appropriate, tailored treatments and help.

Cardiology is concerned with the detection, prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Our specialists and diagnostic experts are waiting for you in case of problems or complaints:

  • chest pain
  • heart rhythm disturbances
  • palpitations, heart palpitations
  • headache
  • frequent dizziness
  • weakness
  • shortness of breath

Even without cardiovascular complaints, regular cardiological screening is recommended for everyone:

  • anyone with high blood pressure,
  • diabetics,
  • who have a history of high blood fat levels,
  • a family history of heart disease,
  • who smokes

the solutions that are best for your long-term health

At the Wáberer Cardiology Centre, you will find the most modern examination methods and diagnostic equipment in Hungary, a well-equipped laboratory and dedicated, highly qualified specialists. Based on the problems and adverse processes that are identified, we will develop solutions that will best serve your long-term health. If necessary, we will plan the most effective path to recovery by designing treatments, medicines and interventions.

test appointment within 24 hours

At the Wáberer Cardiology Centre, we can perform the laboratory tests and ECG checks you need in-house. In our clinic we always try to make an appointment within 24 hours. You don't have to go to another facility for angiography CT, MR or cardiac ultrasound scans.

You can choose from our cardiology screening package according to your needs. We have created specialised cardiology outpatient clinics for specific life situations and conditions that do not receive the attention they deserve in normal clinical practice. So you can always expect special attention.

Chest pain clinic To determine the cause of sudden onset of chest pain, to rule out coronary artery disease or to investigate it immediately.
Arrhythmia outpatient clinic To identify heart rhythm disorders and complaints.
Pacemaker ambulance For people who need or already have a pacemaker.
Sports cardiology outpatient clinic For cardiological risk screening of active athletes or those planning to take up or restart sport.
Pregnancy cardiology outpatient clinic For women with circulatory and heart problems who are planning to have children.
Adult congenital heart disease In case of inherited or congenital problems, to maintain the absence of complaints, treat specific complaints, and for risk assessment for important lifestyle decisions.
Paediatric Cardiology In the paediatric cardiology department, congenital heart defects and acquired heart diseases are diagnosed and treated. Children are treated from newborn to 18 years of age.
1123 Budapest,
Alkotás street 55-61.
+36 1 323 7000
  • Monday 06:30-20:00
  • Tuesday 06:30-20:00
  • Wednesday 06:30-20:00
  • Thursday 06:30-20:00
  • Friday 06:30-20:00
  • Saturday 07:00-14:00
