Health: a treasure to be had!

“Health is our greatest treasure, and we appreciate it when we no longer have it.” Unfortunately, many people are afraid to take this well-known saying seriously. Because it really does take some courage to stop burying your head in the sand and actually do something to stay healthy. But this no longer has to be a sad life experience, as advances in science and medical technology are giving us more and more tools to keep our health at its best and maintain our excellent quality of life for as long as possible.

Prevention is one of our strengths.

At Waberer Medical Center, we cannot stress enough the importance of prevention. We believe in the power of prevention to the fullest, and we do everything we can to help people who come to us to stay healthy in a personalised way. By paying attention, we can even prevent the development of diseases that may have run in the family, so that a predisposition is likely.

Let’s be one step ahead of disease!

A healthy lifestyle, paying attention to the needs of our body and soul, is one of the pillars of prevention. It consists of several milestones that we should reach every day, if possible:

  • Finding a form of exercise that you enjoy and are happy to do to keep fit.
  • Let’s find out what foods our body responds positively to, so that we can find a healthy balance in our diets every day. Sometimes it’s good to take a day of fasting, for example, but it’s not about slacking off! The important thing is to find the source of joy in a healthy lifestyle.
  • We should also pay attention to the signals from our soul, because many illnesses can unfortunately be triggered by a period of stress.

We don’t have to do it all on our own. This is where the second pillar of prevention comes in: regular check-ups.

Take time for ourselves!

Take time for ourselves!

Once a year, it is worth monitoring your body’s condition, how it reacts to your lifestyle and diet, with the help of professionals. As we age, this is the best way to assess potential risks and to correct our diet and habits if necessary.
Regular screening tests – based on age and risk factor – can detect potential health problems and incipient diseases in good time, thus saving us from further unexpected diagnoses and mental and financial burdens. And most importantly, we can be more successful in nipping incipient diseases in the bud.
That’s why we at Wáberer Medical Center are committed to prevention with all our knowledge and all our strength.

Suggested screening groups to dedicate time to on an annual basis:

Suggested screening groups to dedicate time to on an annual basis:

  • a general large routine laboratory test;
  • imaging and physical examinations for tumour groups such as lung and chest, colorectal and abdominal, breast, prostate and urological, skin and melanoma, oral cavity, laryngeal and cervical cancers, and cervical cancer.

Health srceening packages

Screening test WellCare WellCare+ WMC20+
WMC30+ WMC40+
For which age group is the test recommended? Regardless of age Regardless of age 20-29 years 30-39 years 40-54 years 40-54 years 55+ years 55+ years
Lab tests*
Medical examination in internal medicine
ECG, heart rate, blood pressure,
weight and height measurement,
BMI calculation, ankle and arm index
Chest bi-directional X-ray
or Chest Low Dose CT scan**
Abdominopelvic ultrasound
Specialist musculoskeletal
and thyroid ultrasound
Gynaecology for women
Urology for gentlemen
Sickle blood test
Cardiology +
cardiac ultrasound
Bone density measurement -
Complex breast examination
for women
Internal medicine
summary consultation ***
Carotid ultrasound
Carotis Doppler
Ear, nose and throat
cardiac CT
(Calcium score-CT)
Specialist neurological
Health Report
Expected duration 2-3 hours 2-3 hours 3,5-4 hours 4 hours up to two occasions up to two occasions up to two occasions up to two occasions
Health srceening
package fee
69 800 Ft 98 800 Ft 149 800 Ft 248 800 Ft 375 800 Ft 405 800 Ft 468 800 Ft 498 800 Ft

What benefits do we offer?

Screening tests can be carried out on your social insurance account, in agreement with your GP. It’s important to choose a doctor you have maximum confidence in and who can make time for you. Unfortunately, long waiting lists can make things difficult and it may not be possible to have all the necessary tests in one place. But it’s also a journey worth taking, because managing our health is in our own hands and in our own interest!
But as in medicine, so in prevention, time is of the essence, which is one of the great advantages of private healthcare, where we can get the necessary screening tests done much more quickly and conveniently from the outset.
At Wáberer Medical Center (WMC), as a premium private healthcare provider, we have made it our mission from the very beginning to make a personalised contribution to the early detection of problems. A preventive approach is beneficial for everyone, as it shortens the patient journey and the earlier the diagnosis, the sooner treatment and recovery can begin. We follow our patients through the preventive points, building the kind of trust that is essential for any major intervention or subsequent treatment.

Health is a value, also for employers

The role of health services as a benefit is now increasingly valued by employees in the perception of employers. The framework for the benefit can be private health insurance subsidies through benefit providers, or health insurance subsidies, which can be provided on a regular or occasional basis, or tailored to needs.
For employers, it is certainly an investment that pays off in the long term, as it can not only reduce tax burdens but also increase employee engagement.

Everything in one place for your convenience

At the Wáberer Medical Center, all tests are available in one place, regardless of gender or age, through our specialized centers. Find out more about our specialities here:

Improper lifestyle as causes of death

Did you know that surveys show that Hungarian people live 5 years less than the EU average? Shocking data! Especially because about half of all deaths are caused by poor lifestyle habits – poor eating habits, smoking, alcohol consumption and air pollution.

At Wáberer Medical Center, PreWarning is one of our strengths! We work tirelessly to ensure that our patients live their lives to the fullest and for the longest possible time.

Good health, chronic diseases

Health is one of our greatest treasures, yet only less than 60 percent of Hungarian adults feel they are in good health. Fortunately, in many cases this can be changed!

Cancer diseases

Cancer is one of the most frightening diseases, yet surveys show that in Hungary fewer and fewer people are getting screened. In the case of cancer, early diagnosis can save lives! The Wáberer Medical Center uses state-of-the-art technology to help you detect trouble early.

PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) (Total PSA)

Physiological, pathophysiological background

PSA (prostate specific antigen) is one of the most promising organ-specific tumour markers.

Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men and can be cured by removal of the prostate if detected early. PSA is a glycoprotein, functionally a serine protease of the kallikrein family. It is produced exclusively by epithelial cells located in the acini and ducts of the prostate. It is involved in the dissolution of seminal vesicles. PSA is present in the blood in free (freePSA) or complexed form. The majority of PSA forms a complex with the protease inhibitor alpha-anti-chymotrypsin (ACT) or alpha-macroglobulin (AMG). A smaller proportion of PSA circulates freely in the blood.

Total PSA is determined by measuring the free PSA in serum and the complex of PSA with ACT. The PSA-AMG complex is not immunoreactive and cannot be measured by this method. The PHI (prostate health index) is an index of total PSA and free PSA results to better estimate the risk of prostate cancer and the need for biopsy.

The pro-PSA group test makes it easier to distinguish malignant prostate lesions from those that are non-cancerous.

Clinical significance

PSA measurement can be used to screen for prostate cancer, to assess its stage, to monitor its treatment and recurrence. It is recommended that men over 45 years of age should have their PSA checked annually.

C2A Book our male hormone package which includes a standard blood test and PSA test.

Calculate your BMI!

Enter your height and weight for the calculation.

BMI calculator

Your BMI is the following


Annual benefit card packages for individuals

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Annual benefit card packages for companies

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Cardiological screenings

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Infant screening

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Manager screening

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1123 Budapest,
Alkotás street 55-61.
+36 1 323 7000
  • Monday 06:30-20:00
  • Tuesday 06:30-20:00
  • Wednesday 06:30-20:00
  • Thursday 06:30-20:00
  • Friday 06:30-20:00
  • Saturday 07:00-14:00
