
What is laparoscopy and in which cases may laparoscopic surgery be necessary? How is the procedure performed and what do I need to know about post-operative care?

What is laparoscopy?

Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure that allows the surgeon to access the abdomen and pelvic cavity without having to make large incisions in the skin. Laparoscopy is often used to identify and diagnose the source of pelvic or lower abdominal pain and is performed when imaging techniques (ultrasound, MRI, CT) cannot help make a diagnosis. The procedure can also be used to take a biopsy, i.e. a tissue sample from an organ of the abdomen.

Laparoscopy can be done for a number of reasons, for example:

    endometriosis, chronic pelvic pain and inflammatory diseases, and to diagnose and treat the causes of infertility;

    removal of fibroids, ovarian cysts, lymph nodes or ectopic pregnancy;

    treatment of a number of disorders, including urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and certain forms of cancer; and

    the evaluation of certain cancers, including cancers of the ovaries, uterus and cervix.

Mi történik a diagnosztikai laparoszkópia során?

What to know about laparoscopy surgery

Laparoscopy can be used for a number of different surgical procedures, including:

Mire szolgál a Wertheim műtét?

Using the laparoscope during gynaecological surgery

  • The operation is performed under general anaesthesia.
  • The procedure involves entering the abdominal cavity through a tiny opening the size of a buttonhole in the abdomen.
  • A camera system is inserted through the incision at the navel and the resulting image is displayed on a high-resolution monitor.
  • The abdomen is filled with CO2 (carbon dioxide) gas to provide orientation in the abdominal cavity, so that the abdominal organs can be clearly seen.
  • The surgeon does not guide his or her hands into the abdomen, but instead uses long, thin instruments (manipulators).
  • The procedure is very safe and not stressful for the patient. This type of surgery is used to remove myomas, to resolve ovarian masses and for hysterectomies. It is also used for certain oncological operations (extended hysterectomy and pelvic lymph node removal).
  • And preserving the integrity of the abdominal wall ensures that the patient can go home the next day after surgery and go about their daily lives.

Benefits of laparoscopic surgery

The benefits of laparoscopic surgery include:

  • less pain than open procedures,
  • faster recovery,
  • fewer incisions, and
  • less risk of infection.

Recovery after laparoscopic surgery

You may experience some discomfort on awakening and some discomfort around incisions, which should improve considerably with painkillers. It is important to take your painkillers regularly at predetermined times during the first few days, not just when you are in a lot of pain, as this will help to make the effect more even. The painkillers will gradually become unnecessary over time.

Wound healing after laparoscopic surgery

There are three stages of wound healing after laparoscopy.

  • The first stage (1-3 days) is the inflammatory phase, when the wound is warmer to the touch and there may be some minor swelling in the area of the procedure, sometimes accompanied by a throbbing sensation.
  • During the second phase (4-7 days), the wound develops an elastic skeleton, exfoliation takes place and the incision is covered by a dark brown suture. At the end of this phase, on days 7-10, the suture can be removed. After the suture is removed, the scar will be bright pink.
  • During the third phase (8 days to 6 months), the scar shrinks, its colour gradually fades and its strength and load-bearing capacity increase.

Chrobak műtét utáni gyógyulás.

When can I work after laparoscopy?

weeks or weeks after the operation. If you do any physical work, wait at least two to three weeks before you

return to work.

The Wáberer Medical Center provides the best specialists and surgeons for your patients, and we even offer you a luxurious recovery! In our clinic overlooking the Buda hills, you will find comfortable double rooms and professional medical staff to meet all your needs.

If you need a comprehensive gynaecological or other specialist examination, come and see the excellent specialists at the Wáberer Medical Center! Call us at +36-1-323-7000 or book an appointment online on our website quickly and easily!

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Alkotás street 55-61.
+36 1 323 7000
  • Monday 06:30-20:00
  • Tuesday 06:30-20:00
  • Wednesday 06:30-20:00
  • Thursday 06:30-20:00
  • Friday 06:30-20:00
  • Saturday 07:00-14:00
